Mount Iron Recreation Reserve Management Plan

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Early insights feedback to help guide the development of a Reserve Management Plan for Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron has now closed.

We were delighted to have so many in Wānaka and the Upper Clutha community share their ideas and insights. We had an impressive 870 ideas pinned to the online interactive map on Let’s Talk, and we've gathered plenty of community insights from our workshop events too which have now been collated into snapshot summary along with all the raw feedback data which you can find in the document library.

>> Click here to read the snapshot summary of all the early engagement feedback

Next steps

All community feedback will be considered by the Parks team and used to shape a draft Reserve Management Plan for Mount Iron Recreation Reserve. This will then be considered by the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board and will need to be approved for public engagement. Once approved, the draft plan will be shared with the community for public submissions in winter of 2024.

Early Insights Engagement - Share your ideas for our newest Community Reserve!

In May 2023 Council completed the purchase of nearly 100 hectares of land on Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron in Wānaka.

Our community is now the proud owner and guardian of this cherished local landmark, so it’s time to plan for how we use, enjoy, manage and preserve public land on Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron.

The Parks team are currently developing a draft Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for Mount Iron Recreation Reserve.

It’s important that we hear from all the different groups across our community on what you love about Mount Iron, what you want to see made available on the site now and in the future and what you want protected or maintained.

These early insights will help guide the development of a RMP and support a shared vision for how this iconic landscape can be enjoyed by all.

What is a Reserve Management Plan?

A Reserve Management Plan sets out how Council intends to provide for and ensure the use, enjoyment, maintenance, protection, and preservation of a reserve. It details all the rules and regulations to act as a guide for Council officers in making both day-to-day decisions, as well as long-term decisions about how reserves and open spaces under its control are to be used, managed, or developed.

How to have your say

The early engagement stage is a chance to tell us your ideas, both big and small, for how you and your community would like Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron to be used and managed in the future. Pin your idea on the map at the bottom of the page and share your insights as a comment alongside.

Feedback to help inform the draft Mount Iron RMP will close at 5.00pm on Monday 20 November 2023.

Mount Iron Recreation Reserve Map

Please see the newly acquired QLDC Mount Iron Recreation Reserve land shaded in light green. We would also welcome ideas and comments on the Department of Conservation (DOC) land shaded in dark green.

Be part of the conversation!

The Parks team will be out and about over the coming months keen to chat to you about all things Mount Iron. Come along to a community workshop or visit us on the Mount Iron track to share your thoughts!

Join a community workshop:

We’ll be holding a two community workshops to explore what participants value about Mount Iron Recreation Reserve and ideas for how the local community would like it to be used and managed now and for generations to come.

When: Monday 30 October at 6.00pm-7.30pm
Where: Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre

Spaces are limited. Register your interest on the QLDC Facebook event here:

When: Tuesday 7 November at 12.00pm-1.30pm
Where: Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre

Spaces are lmited Register your interest here on the QLDC Facebook event here:

>> Click here for workshop information pack to help prepare for the session

Join an onsite drop in session:

When: Saturday 4 November anytime between 9.00am -11.00am
Where: Mount Iron track entrance near Allenby car park, Wānaka

Register your interest on the QLDC Facebook event here:

Got a question?

If you have a question, please submit it on the tool below and we'll get it answered as soon as possible. All questions and answers will be published for everyone to see.

Early insights feedback to help guide the development of a Reserve Management Plan for Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron has now closed.

We were delighted to have so many in Wānaka and the Upper Clutha community share their ideas and insights. We had an impressive 870 ideas pinned to the online interactive map on Let’s Talk, and we've gathered plenty of community insights from our workshop events too which have now been collated into snapshot summary along with all the raw feedback data which you can find in the document library.

>> Click here to read the snapshot summary of all the early engagement feedback

Next steps

All community feedback will be considered by the Parks team and used to shape a draft Reserve Management Plan for Mount Iron Recreation Reserve. This will then be considered by the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board and will need to be approved for public engagement. Once approved, the draft plan will be shared with the community for public submissions in winter of 2024.

Early Insights Engagement - Share your ideas for our newest Community Reserve!

In May 2023 Council completed the purchase of nearly 100 hectares of land on Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron in Wānaka.

Our community is now the proud owner and guardian of this cherished local landmark, so it’s time to plan for how we use, enjoy, manage and preserve public land on Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron.

The Parks team are currently developing a draft Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for Mount Iron Recreation Reserve.

It’s important that we hear from all the different groups across our community on what you love about Mount Iron, what you want to see made available on the site now and in the future and what you want protected or maintained.

These early insights will help guide the development of a RMP and support a shared vision for how this iconic landscape can be enjoyed by all.

What is a Reserve Management Plan?

A Reserve Management Plan sets out how Council intends to provide for and ensure the use, enjoyment, maintenance, protection, and preservation of a reserve. It details all the rules and regulations to act as a guide for Council officers in making both day-to-day decisions, as well as long-term decisions about how reserves and open spaces under its control are to be used, managed, or developed.

How to have your say

The early engagement stage is a chance to tell us your ideas, both big and small, for how you and your community would like Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron to be used and managed in the future. Pin your idea on the map at the bottom of the page and share your insights as a comment alongside.

Feedback to help inform the draft Mount Iron RMP will close at 5.00pm on Monday 20 November 2023.

Mount Iron Recreation Reserve Map

Please see the newly acquired QLDC Mount Iron Recreation Reserve land shaded in light green. We would also welcome ideas and comments on the Department of Conservation (DOC) land shaded in dark green.

Be part of the conversation!

The Parks team will be out and about over the coming months keen to chat to you about all things Mount Iron. Come along to a community workshop or visit us on the Mount Iron track to share your thoughts!

Join a community workshop:

We’ll be holding a two community workshops to explore what participants value about Mount Iron Recreation Reserve and ideas for how the local community would like it to be used and managed now and for generations to come.

When: Monday 30 October at 6.00pm-7.30pm
Where: Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre

Spaces are limited. Register your interest on the QLDC Facebook event here:

When: Tuesday 7 November at 12.00pm-1.30pm
Where: Armstrong Room, Lake Wanaka Centre

Spaces are lmited Register your interest here on the QLDC Facebook event here:

>> Click here for workshop information pack to help prepare for the session

Join an onsite drop in session:

When: Saturday 4 November anytime between 9.00am -11.00am
Where: Mount Iron track entrance near Allenby car park, Wānaka

Register your interest on the QLDC Facebook event here:

Got a question?

If you have a question, please submit it on the tool below and we'll get it answered as soon as possible. All questions and answers will be published for everyone to see.


Do you have a question about the Mount Iron Reserve Management Plan?  Ask it here and we'll get it answered as soon as possible. 

All questions and answers will be published here for everyone to see.

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  • Share It is almost possible to bike around the east side of Mt Iron, from the bottom of the Mt Iron track ( near Race course road) you can go straight ahead almost to Aubrey Road. I think maybe one section of private property stops the full circuit, - is it possible to buy this or sort this. on Facebook Share It is almost possible to bike around the east side of Mt Iron, from the bottom of the Mt Iron track ( near Race course road) you can go straight ahead almost to Aubrey Road. I think maybe one section of private property stops the full circuit, - is it possible to buy this or sort this. on Twitter Share It is almost possible to bike around the east side of Mt Iron, from the bottom of the Mt Iron track ( near Race course road) you can go straight ahead almost to Aubrey Road. I think maybe one section of private property stops the full circuit, - is it possible to buy this or sort this. on Linkedin Email It is almost possible to bike around the east side of Mt Iron, from the bottom of the Mt Iron track ( near Race course road) you can go straight ahead almost to Aubrey Road. I think maybe one section of private property stops the full circuit, - is it possible to buy this or sort this. link

    It is almost possible to bike around the east side of Mt Iron, from the bottom of the Mt Iron track ( near Race course road) you can go straight ahead almost to Aubrey Road. I think maybe one section of private property stops the full circuit, - is it possible to buy this or sort this.

    biker asked 2 months ago

    Hi there, thanks for your query. A biking connection onto Aubrey Road would open up better biking options around Mount Iron. As you’ve said, this isn’t possible at the moment as that corner of the Mount Iron Reserve is bounded by private property. Purchasing private property to open up this route isn’t being actively pursued but if the opportunity to do so arose it would be strongly considered.  

  • Share How much did the council pay for Mount Iron / Little Mount Iron? It's a detail that I've never seen mentioned. on Facebook Share How much did the council pay for Mount Iron / Little Mount Iron? It's a detail that I've never seen mentioned. on Twitter Share How much did the council pay for Mount Iron / Little Mount Iron? It's a detail that I've never seen mentioned. on Linkedin Email How much did the council pay for Mount Iron / Little Mount Iron? It's a detail that I've never seen mentioned. link

    How much did the council pay for Mount Iron / Little Mount Iron? It's a detail that I've never seen mentioned.

    timwdavid asked 5 months ago

    Hi Tim, thanks for your question.

    As detailed in our 2022-2023 Annual Report the cost was approx. $8M, this included a contribution from the Wānaka Reserves Assets Fund (Scurr Heights fund) of $4M.

    You can view the 2022-2023 Annual Report here: Annual Reports | Queenstown Lakes District Council (

  • Share The first project to be completed before any work proceeds is eradicate all noxious weeds ( ie sweet brier, Hawthorne, & wilding pines. on Facebook Share The first project to be completed before any work proceeds is eradicate all noxious weeds ( ie sweet brier, Hawthorne, & wilding pines. on Twitter Share The first project to be completed before any work proceeds is eradicate all noxious weeds ( ie sweet brier, Hawthorne, & wilding pines. on Linkedin Email The first project to be completed before any work proceeds is eradicate all noxious weeds ( ie sweet brier, Hawthorne, & wilding pines. link

    The first project to be completed before any work proceeds is eradicate all noxious weeds ( ie sweet brier, Hawthorne, & wilding pines.

    nharris asked 8 months ago

    Hi there, thanks for your feedback. This will be considered by the Parks team.

  • Share Just posted on Wanaka Community re one off leash dog biting another on Mt Iron. Not an isolated instance on Facebook Share Just posted on Wanaka Community re one off leash dog biting another on Mt Iron. Not an isolated instance on Twitter Share Just posted on Wanaka Community re one off leash dog biting another on Mt Iron. Not an isolated instance on Linkedin Email Just posted on Wanaka Community re one off leash dog biting another on Mt Iron. Not an isolated instance link

    Just posted on Wanaka Community re one off leash dog biting another on Mt Iron. Not an isolated instance

    MI walker asked 9 months ago

    Hi there, sorry to hear about this incidence.

    Under the QLDC Dog Control Bylaw, dogs are not required to be on lead on Mount Iron Recreation Reserve. However, the bylaw does state that dogs must be kept under effective control at all times. 

    This means the owner must –

    1. Keep that dog under effective control by voice, or signal while that dog is in any public place; and
    2. Immediately leash and bring the dog under control if the dog causes a nuisance to any person or animal.

    A Reserve Management Plan can address dogs in a policy, but this type of incidence sits more with the Animal Control team, especially when it comes to dog bites. If you have any further concerns or want to report this incident, please contact Customer Services on 03 441 0499 and the Animal Control team will be in touch.

  • Share Hi, who is responsible for maintaining the Mt iron reserve car park? There is a dangerous pot hole near entrance way that forces drivers to use the wrong side of road /entrance. It’s damaging vehicles and is dangerous. on Facebook Share Hi, who is responsible for maintaining the Mt iron reserve car park? There is a dangerous pot hole near entrance way that forces drivers to use the wrong side of road /entrance. It’s damaging vehicles and is dangerous. on Twitter Share Hi, who is responsible for maintaining the Mt iron reserve car park? There is a dangerous pot hole near entrance way that forces drivers to use the wrong side of road /entrance. It’s damaging vehicles and is dangerous. on Linkedin Email Hi, who is responsible for maintaining the Mt iron reserve car park? There is a dangerous pot hole near entrance way that forces drivers to use the wrong side of road /entrance. It’s damaging vehicles and is dangerous. link

    Hi, who is responsible for maintaining the Mt iron reserve car park? There is a dangerous pot hole near entrance way that forces drivers to use the wrong side of road /entrance. It’s damaging vehicles and is dangerous.

    Kimbadger asked 8 months ago

    Hi Kim,

    The Department of Conservation (DOC) currently own and manage the main carpark off the Wānaka-Luggate Highway. We’d recommend getting in touch with them directly for issues like these. 

    Please note that QLDC and DOC are in the process of developing a management agreement which means QLDC will take on the day-to-day management of the DOC land including the carpark. Once this happens, this type of issue will be managed by QLDC. 


  • Share Is the plan with ideas from community going to be published for consultation? on Facebook Share Is the plan with ideas from community going to be published for consultation? on Twitter Share Is the plan with ideas from community going to be published for consultation? on Linkedin Email Is the plan with ideas from community going to be published for consultation? link

    Is the plan with ideas from community going to be published for consultation?

    evapbm asked 9 months ago

    Hi Eva, thanks for your question. Yes, it will. Once all community feedback is collated it is considered by the Parks team and used to shape a draft Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for Mount Iron Recreation Reserve. Once this is approved for public engagement by the Community & Services Committee and the Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board, the draft plan will be shared with the community on the Let’s Talk platform for public submissions in summer/autumn of 2024. If you’d like regular updates on the Mount Iron RMP, please do sign up for a newsletter here:

  • Share There are two residents in our home who have the same email address. One has submitted on the management plan and the other cannot because that email address has already submitted. What are the options in this situation ? on Facebook Share There are two residents in our home who have the same email address. One has submitted on the management plan and the other cannot because that email address has already submitted. What are the options in this situation ? on Twitter Share There are two residents in our home who have the same email address. One has submitted on the management plan and the other cannot because that email address has already submitted. What are the options in this situation ? on Linkedin Email There are two residents in our home who have the same email address. One has submitted on the management plan and the other cannot because that email address has already submitted. What are the options in this situation ? link

    There are two residents in our home who have the same email address. One has submitted on the management plan and the other cannot because that email address has already submitted. What are the options in this situation ?

    heather asked 9 months ago

    Hi Heather, thanks for your question. The other resident in your household is welcome to share their thoughts by emailing and we will add as the feedback for this engagement. Just write Mount Iron RMP in the email subject header.


  • Share Dogs on leads in front of town waterfront beach. Every year we have ducks and our native Grebes and Scaup being mauled and people urinated on, food stolen while enjoying our expensive food. Dog poo not being picked u. by dogs off leads. Owners take no responsibility while they watch their dogs attack birds and peoples belonging and food. I have whitenesses this every year. Stopping dogs and owners in areas that are populated and we as humans have made these birds feel safe. It is hard enough for them with the horrible behaviour children do to the ducks let alone adults and their dogs. What is Wanaka going to do about this ? on Facebook Share Dogs on leads in front of town waterfront beach. Every year we have ducks and our native Grebes and Scaup being mauled and people urinated on, food stolen while enjoying our expensive food. Dog poo not being picked u. by dogs off leads. Owners take no responsibility while they watch their dogs attack birds and peoples belonging and food. I have whitenesses this every year. Stopping dogs and owners in areas that are populated and we as humans have made these birds feel safe. It is hard enough for them with the horrible behaviour children do to the ducks let alone adults and their dogs. What is Wanaka going to do about this ? on Twitter Share Dogs on leads in front of town waterfront beach. Every year we have ducks and our native Grebes and Scaup being mauled and people urinated on, food stolen while enjoying our expensive food. Dog poo not being picked u. by dogs off leads. Owners take no responsibility while they watch their dogs attack birds and peoples belonging and food. I have whitenesses this every year. Stopping dogs and owners in areas that are populated and we as humans have made these birds feel safe. It is hard enough for them with the horrible behaviour children do to the ducks let alone adults and their dogs. What is Wanaka going to do about this ? on Linkedin Email Dogs on leads in front of town waterfront beach. Every year we have ducks and our native Grebes and Scaup being mauled and people urinated on, food stolen while enjoying our expensive food. Dog poo not being picked u. by dogs off leads. Owners take no responsibility while they watch their dogs attack birds and peoples belonging and food. I have whitenesses this every year. Stopping dogs and owners in areas that are populated and we as humans have made these birds feel safe. It is hard enough for them with the horrible behaviour children do to the ducks let alone adults and their dogs. What is Wanaka going to do about this ? link

    Dogs on leads in front of town waterfront beach. Every year we have ducks and our native Grebes and Scaup being mauled and people urinated on, food stolen while enjoying our expensive food. Dog poo not being picked u. by dogs off leads. Owners take no responsibility while they watch their dogs attack birds and peoples belonging and food. I have whitenesses this every year. Stopping dogs and owners in areas that are populated and we as humans have made these birds feel safe. It is hard enough for them with the horrible behaviour children do to the ducks let alone adults and their dogs. What is Wanaka going to do about this ?

    Crystal asked 9 months ago

    Hi Crystal, 

    Dogs must be kept under effective control on Mount Iron at all times. This means the owner must –

    1. Keep that dog under effective control by voice, or signal while that dog is in any public place; and
    2. Immediately leash and bring the dog under control if the dog causes a nuisance to any person or animal.

    For other information concerning dogs please see the QLDC Dog Control Bylaw and Policy:

  • Share What is the problem with leaving Mt Iron as it is? A walking track that is natural and not interfered with. Deal with the rabbits and plant native trees. on Facebook Share What is the problem with leaving Mt Iron as it is? A walking track that is natural and not interfered with. Deal with the rabbits and plant native trees. on Twitter Share What is the problem with leaving Mt Iron as it is? A walking track that is natural and not interfered with. Deal with the rabbits and plant native trees. on Linkedin Email What is the problem with leaving Mt Iron as it is? A walking track that is natural and not interfered with. Deal with the rabbits and plant native trees. link

    What is the problem with leaving Mt Iron as it is? A walking track that is natural and not interfered with. Deal with the rabbits and plant native trees.

    Jude asked 9 months ago

    Thanks for sharing your views Jude, we will add this to our engagement feedback.

  • Share How can you RSVP if you don't have facebook? on Facebook Share How can you RSVP if you don't have facebook? on Twitter Share How can you RSVP if you don't have facebook? on Linkedin Email How can you RSVP if you don't have facebook? link

    How can you RSVP if you don't have facebook?

    Nina asked 9 months ago

    Hi Nina, you are welcome to email with your RSVP.

    Many thanks,

Page last updated: 03 May 2024, 02:10 PM