Mount Iron Recreation Reserve Management Plan

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Shout out for community engagement on Mount Iron!

A big thank you to all that shared their views on this much loved-landmark - we received over 400 submissions! You can view both the online and written submissions in the document library.

Now that public consultation has closed (29 Nov) there will be an opportunity for submitters to speak at a public hearing (10 Dec).

Following this, all submissions will be considered by the hearing panel and used to make final changes to the Reserve Management Plan for Mount Iron Recreation Reserve.

This plan will then be presented to the Wānaka Upper Clutha Community Board and Full Council for adoption in early 2025.

The raw data of submissions will be made available by 6 December on this page and keep a look out for a summary of the engagement results we'll be sharing here in January/February 2025.


In May 2023 Council completed the purchase of nearly 100 hectares of land on Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron in Wānaka. This land has been vested as Recreation Reserve.

Our community is now the proud owner and guardian of this cherished local landmark. Over September-November 2023, we asked the community for feedback on how we use, enjoy, manage, preserve and enhance public land on Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron.

These ideas and insights have helped the Parks team shape a draft Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for the reserve. Click here(External link) to read the early feedback summary.

We now want to know if we have got the draft plan right and if you support a shared vision for how this much-loved landscape can be enjoyed by all.

What you can expect to see in the plan:

  • A long-term vision for Mount Iron as a place for natural recreation
  • Objectives such as enabling a safe and resilient reserve, community participation in protecting and enhancing the area, and embedding mana whenua values
  • Policies grouped into eight themes which include commercial activities, community partnering, events, ecology, landscape and geology, development, recreation and natural hazards.

How to have your say

Submissions on the draft Mount Iron RMP closed on Friday 29 November 2024.

From Monday 23 September you'll be able to take a look at the plan below and share your thoughts by clicking on the submission form at the bottom of the page.

>>Draft Mount Iron Reserve Management Plan

We are now in the formal part of the process with the draft Mount Iron RMP open for public submissions from 23 September to 29 November 2024. Submitters also have the option to speak to their submission at a public hearing to be held on 10 and 11 December (through the submission form below).

Opportunities to find out more!

The Parks team will be out and about over the next two months to chat to you about any questions you may have about the draft plan. Visit us at a community drop-in session when you are out and about enjoying the Mount Iron track.

Join an onsite drop in session:

When: Wednesday 16 October anytime between 4.00pm-6.00pm and Saturday 19 October anytime between 10.00am-12.00pm

Where: Mount Iron track entrance near Allenby Place Carpark, Wānaka

What is a Reserve Management Plan?

A Reserve Management Plan sets out how Council intends to provide for and ensure the use, enjoyment, maintenance, protection, and preservation of a reserve. It details the objectives and policies that guide Council in making both day-to-day decisions, as well as long-term decisions about how reserves and open spaces are to be used, managed, or developed.

Mount Iron Recreation Reserve Map

This map shows QLDC Mount Iron Recreation Reserve land and includes current recreation uses and services. QLDC has applied to DOC for the Scenic Reserve land (shown here in dark green) to be vested in Council. The RMP will apply to this land if the vesting is successful.

Have a question?

If you have a question, please submit it on the tool below and we'll get it answered as soon as possible. All questions and answers will be published for everyone to see.

Keep in touch

If you’d like to be kept in the loop with our regular Mount Iron newsletter, please sign up here(External link) or go to link)

Shout out for community engagement on Mount Iron!

A big thank you to all that shared their views on this much loved-landmark - we received over 400 submissions! You can view both the online and written submissions in the document library.

Now that public consultation has closed (29 Nov) there will be an opportunity for submitters to speak at a public hearing (10 Dec).

Following this, all submissions will be considered by the hearing panel and used to make final changes to the Reserve Management Plan for Mount Iron Recreation Reserve.

This plan will then be presented to the Wānaka Upper Clutha Community Board and Full Council for adoption in early 2025.

The raw data of submissions will be made available by 6 December on this page and keep a look out for a summary of the engagement results we'll be sharing here in January/February 2025.


In May 2023 Council completed the purchase of nearly 100 hectares of land on Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron in Wānaka. This land has been vested as Recreation Reserve.

Our community is now the proud owner and guardian of this cherished local landmark. Over September-November 2023, we asked the community for feedback on how we use, enjoy, manage, preserve and enhance public land on Mount Iron and Little Mount Iron.

These ideas and insights have helped the Parks team shape a draft Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for the reserve. Click here(External link) to read the early feedback summary.

We now want to know if we have got the draft plan right and if you support a shared vision for how this much-loved landscape can be enjoyed by all.

What you can expect to see in the plan:

  • A long-term vision for Mount Iron as a place for natural recreation
  • Objectives such as enabling a safe and resilient reserve, community participation in protecting and enhancing the area, and embedding mana whenua values
  • Policies grouped into eight themes which include commercial activities, community partnering, events, ecology, landscape and geology, development, recreation and natural hazards.

How to have your say

Submissions on the draft Mount Iron RMP closed on Friday 29 November 2024.

From Monday 23 September you'll be able to take a look at the plan below and share your thoughts by clicking on the submission form at the bottom of the page.

>>Draft Mount Iron Reserve Management Plan

We are now in the formal part of the process with the draft Mount Iron RMP open for public submissions from 23 September to 29 November 2024. Submitters also have the option to speak to their submission at a public hearing to be held on 10 and 11 December (through the submission form below).

Opportunities to find out more!

The Parks team will be out and about over the next two months to chat to you about any questions you may have about the draft plan. Visit us at a community drop-in session when you are out and about enjoying the Mount Iron track.

Join an onsite drop in session:

When: Wednesday 16 October anytime between 4.00pm-6.00pm and Saturday 19 October anytime between 10.00am-12.00pm

Where: Mount Iron track entrance near Allenby Place Carpark, Wānaka

What is a Reserve Management Plan?

A Reserve Management Plan sets out how Council intends to provide for and ensure the use, enjoyment, maintenance, protection, and preservation of a reserve. It details the objectives and policies that guide Council in making both day-to-day decisions, as well as long-term decisions about how reserves and open spaces are to be used, managed, or developed.

Mount Iron Recreation Reserve Map

This map shows QLDC Mount Iron Recreation Reserve land and includes current recreation uses and services. QLDC has applied to DOC for the Scenic Reserve land (shown here in dark green) to be vested in Council. The RMP will apply to this land if the vesting is successful.

Have a question?

If you have a question, please submit it on the tool below and we'll get it answered as soon as possible. All questions and answers will be published for everyone to see.

Keep in touch

If you’d like to be kept in the loop with our regular Mount Iron newsletter, please sign up here(External link) or go to link)

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Mount Iron Recreation Reserve Map

28 days

We'd like to hear your ideas about what we should include in a Reserve Management Plan for Mount Iron. Drop a pin on the map and add a comment telling us what you'd like to see in the Mount Iron Recreation Reserve.

To get started, just click the "+" button, then drag your marker of choice to the desired map location.

In addition to placing your pin, leave a brief comment with any details to explain or support your idea.


Please note: 

  • Participants CANNOT delete a pin after it is submitted. However, you can edit it by clicking the three dots and choosing to Edit the pin. The position of a pin can be changed by dragging it to the required position. After making the necessary changes, you will have to submit again to save the changes.
  • Participants can leave as many pins as they wish.
  • Participants can magnify and reduce the magnification of an area by clicking on the Zoom in and Zoom out buttons provided on the map.
  • On clicking the option to filter pins, a participant can select the pins to be displayed on the map (including the ‘Show Only My Pins’), this is useful when there is a lot of participation.
  • A participant can view all the activity that has happened on the tool by clicking on the activity feed in the left-hand column.
CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.
Page last updated: 10 Dec 2024, 01:21 PM