What is a Parks and Reserves development plan and how is it different from a Reserve Management Plan?

    In a nutshell, a development plan is a landscape concept that details where we propose to place physical things and maps how an area can be used by the community. 

    A Reserve Management Plan sets out how Council intends to provide for and ensure the use, enjoyment, maintenance, protection, and preservation of a reserve. It details all the rules and regulations to act as a guide for Council officers in making both day-to-day decisions, as well as long-term decisions about how reserves and open spaces under its control are to be used, managed or developed e.g., what can and can’t be done in a specified area.

    How will my feedback for the Warren Park draft development plan be used?

    Your feedback will be collated into a report and provided to the Community Services Committee (CSC) help guide any further considerations and improvements on the current design and inform the final draft.

    Will there be further opportunities to have a say on the Warren Park development plan?

    Yes, the community will have another chance to share their thoughts if the project progresses to a more detailed stage of design. To progress to the next design phase, the draft development plan (high level concept) needs to be adopted by CSC following community feedback and funding considered through the Long Term Plan (LTP). The community can also submit on the LTP in support of this project.

    How is funding sourced to further develop Warren Park Reserve?

    Funding must be sought through the Annual Plan and Long Term Plan (LTP) process to allow a development plan to be completed. This includes detailed design elements and helps to guide and budget for the works planned.