What is a Parks and Reserves Development Plan?

    In a nutshell, a development plan is a landscape concept that details where we propose to place physical things and maps how an area can be used by the community. 

    How will my feedback for Peninsula Bay Reserve draft development plan be used?

    Your feedback will be collated and reported back to the Wānaka Upper Clutha Community Board (WUCCB) to help guide any further considerations and improvements on the current design and inform the final draft.

    Will there be further opportunities to have a say on the Peninsula Bay Reserve development plan?

    Yes, the community will have another chance to share their thoughts if the project progresses to a more detailed stage of design. To progress to the next design phase, the draft development plan (high level concept) needs to be adopted by WUCCB following community feedback and funding considered through the Long Term Plan (LTP). The community can also submit on the LTP in support of this project.

    How is funding sourced to further develop Peninsula Bay Reserve?

    Funding must be sought through the Long Term Plan to progress the development plan, including detailed design elements to guide and budget for any future improvement.   The draft LTP opens for feedback in March 2024.