Peninsula Bay Reserve Development Plan

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Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on the draft plan for Peninsula Bay Reserve. Feedback has now closed on this engagement.
The Parks team will now collate the feedback which will help guide the final plan.

>> Take a look at the feedback in the document library or click here

Share your thoughts on the future of Peninsula Bay Reserve

We are asking for community feedback on a draft design concept plan for Peninsula Bay Reserve, a reserve which has potential to become a well-used recreational space for the wider community.

Read through the draft plan, check out the design concept and let us know how you’d like to use this recreational space in years to come using the feedback form at the bottom of the page.

Background and vision

Peninsula Bay Reserve is a large public reserve located on Wānaka’s foreshore, between Roys Bay and Dublin Bay north of the town centre.

Peninsula Bay Reserve is the only large open space reserve accessible to Peninsula Bay residents where extensive informal recreation could occur. A number of informal tracks weave through the area, connecting Sticky Forest mountain bike trails to Infinity Drive, Penrith Park Drive, and Outlet Road along the shore of Lake Wānaka.

Image: Peninsula Bay Reserve

The long-term vision for Peninsula Bay Reserve is to create a community space providing a variety of recreation opportunities for residents and visitors.

The draft development plan details the proposed activity use for Peninsula Bay Reserve. The plan focuses on improving the space and enhancing access which includes additional native planting, formalising trails and providing wayfinding, signage and scenic viewpoints.

>> Take a look at the Peninsula Bay Reserve draft development plan

Feedback closes at 5.00pm Monday 27 November 2023.

Thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts on the draft plan for Peninsula Bay Reserve. Feedback has now closed on this engagement.
The Parks team will now collate the feedback which will help guide the final plan.

>> Take a look at the feedback in the document library or click here

Share your thoughts on the future of Peninsula Bay Reserve

We are asking for community feedback on a draft design concept plan for Peninsula Bay Reserve, a reserve which has potential to become a well-used recreational space for the wider community.

Read through the draft plan, check out the design concept and let us know how you’d like to use this recreational space in years to come using the feedback form at the bottom of the page.

Background and vision

Peninsula Bay Reserve is a large public reserve located on Wānaka’s foreshore, between Roys Bay and Dublin Bay north of the town centre.

Peninsula Bay Reserve is the only large open space reserve accessible to Peninsula Bay residents where extensive informal recreation could occur. A number of informal tracks weave through the area, connecting Sticky Forest mountain bike trails to Infinity Drive, Penrith Park Drive, and Outlet Road along the shore of Lake Wānaka.

Image: Peninsula Bay Reserve

The long-term vision for Peninsula Bay Reserve is to create a community space providing a variety of recreation opportunities for residents and visitors.

The draft development plan details the proposed activity use for Peninsula Bay Reserve. The plan focuses on improving the space and enhancing access which includes additional native planting, formalising trails and providing wayfinding, signage and scenic viewpoints.

>> Take a look at the Peninsula Bay Reserve draft development plan

Feedback closes at 5.00pm Monday 27 November 2023.


Do you have a question about the Peninsula Bay Reserve draft development plan?  Ask it here and we'll get it answered as soon as possible. 

All questions and answers will be published here for everyone to see.

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  • Share hi i live right beside the reserve at the bottom of infinity drive . i bought the house because i love the natural feel of the reserve and i love the privacy it gives me and my family , and my kids love playing there like everyone else on the street and area and kids. why built another bike track and ruin the reserve ? are people demanding a bike track ? i dont get it .i thought people would love some things left natural and un touched ? tons of people enjoy it how it is . theres so many bike tracks already round wanaka why built more ? when you talk about the 20 meter fire set back does that mean your going to cut down all the native trees in that set back ? if so that seems crazy and unfair because theres more than 10 places i could name that have natives / kanukas on council reserve that grow right up to houses. are you going to gon round town and cut them down for thuis so called big fire ? what about all the kanukas on little mount iron round all the houses ? please dont cut our trees down , we do not have any fire hazard in wanaka township , the last 50 years so why start ???? and please dont built a rabbit proof fence it wont work , you will need to fence off the whole town for it to work ! what a waste off money . it will ruin the natural feel of the area. the rabbits will just go up the road and go round the fence , how will the kids get over it ? cheers ben briggs on Facebook Share hi i live right beside the reserve at the bottom of infinity drive . i bought the house because i love the natural feel of the reserve and i love the privacy it gives me and my family , and my kids love playing there like everyone else on the street and area and kids. why built another bike track and ruin the reserve ? are people demanding a bike track ? i dont get it .i thought people would love some things left natural and un touched ? tons of people enjoy it how it is . theres so many bike tracks already round wanaka why built more ? when you talk about the 20 meter fire set back does that mean your going to cut down all the native trees in that set back ? if so that seems crazy and unfair because theres more than 10 places i could name that have natives / kanukas on council reserve that grow right up to houses. are you going to gon round town and cut them down for thuis so called big fire ? what about all the kanukas on little mount iron round all the houses ? please dont cut our trees down , we do not have any fire hazard in wanaka township , the last 50 years so why start ???? and please dont built a rabbit proof fence it wont work , you will need to fence off the whole town for it to work ! what a waste off money . it will ruin the natural feel of the area. the rabbits will just go up the road and go round the fence , how will the kids get over it ? cheers ben briggs on Twitter Share hi i live right beside the reserve at the bottom of infinity drive . i bought the house because i love the natural feel of the reserve and i love the privacy it gives me and my family , and my kids love playing there like everyone else on the street and area and kids. why built another bike track and ruin the reserve ? are people demanding a bike track ? i dont get it .i thought people would love some things left natural and un touched ? tons of people enjoy it how it is . theres so many bike tracks already round wanaka why built more ? when you talk about the 20 meter fire set back does that mean your going to cut down all the native trees in that set back ? if so that seems crazy and unfair because theres more than 10 places i could name that have natives / kanukas on council reserve that grow right up to houses. are you going to gon round town and cut them down for thuis so called big fire ? what about all the kanukas on little mount iron round all the houses ? please dont cut our trees down , we do not have any fire hazard in wanaka township , the last 50 years so why start ???? and please dont built a rabbit proof fence it wont work , you will need to fence off the whole town for it to work ! what a waste off money . it will ruin the natural feel of the area. the rabbits will just go up the road and go round the fence , how will the kids get over it ? cheers ben briggs on Linkedin Email hi i live right beside the reserve at the bottom of infinity drive . i bought the house because i love the natural feel of the reserve and i love the privacy it gives me and my family , and my kids love playing there like everyone else on the street and area and kids. why built another bike track and ruin the reserve ? are people demanding a bike track ? i dont get it .i thought people would love some things left natural and un touched ? tons of people enjoy it how it is . theres so many bike tracks already round wanaka why built more ? when you talk about the 20 meter fire set back does that mean your going to cut down all the native trees in that set back ? if so that seems crazy and unfair because theres more than 10 places i could name that have natives / kanukas on council reserve that grow right up to houses. are you going to gon round town and cut them down for thuis so called big fire ? what about all the kanukas on little mount iron round all the houses ? please dont cut our trees down , we do not have any fire hazard in wanaka township , the last 50 years so why start ???? and please dont built a rabbit proof fence it wont work , you will need to fence off the whole town for it to work ! what a waste off money . it will ruin the natural feel of the area. the rabbits will just go up the road and go round the fence , how will the kids get over it ? cheers ben briggs link

    hi i live right beside the reserve at the bottom of infinity drive . i bought the house because i love the natural feel of the reserve and i love the privacy it gives me and my family , and my kids love playing there like everyone else on the street and area and kids. why built another bike track and ruin the reserve ? are people demanding a bike track ? i dont get it .i thought people would love some things left natural and un touched ? tons of people enjoy it how it is . theres so many bike tracks already round wanaka why built more ? when you talk about the 20 meter fire set back does that mean your going to cut down all the native trees in that set back ? if so that seems crazy and unfair because theres more than 10 places i could name that have natives / kanukas on council reserve that grow right up to houses. are you going to gon round town and cut them down for thuis so called big fire ? what about all the kanukas on little mount iron round all the houses ? please dont cut our trees down , we do not have any fire hazard in wanaka township , the last 50 years so why start ???? and please dont built a rabbit proof fence it wont work , you will need to fence off the whole town for it to work ! what a waste off money . it will ruin the natural feel of the area. the rabbits will just go up the road and go round the fence , how will the kids get over it ? cheers ben briggs

    liv asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Ben, thank you for your query. At this stage, there are no plans to remove any natives within the 20m fire setback. As recent events have shown, wildfire can have a devasting impact on communities. Climate forecasts for our district indicate that we are likely to see an increased risk of wildfire conditions in the future. Your queries regarding the bike tracks and proposed rabbit proof fencing have been included with the other feedback submissions. This is a draft development plan and all new features on the plan are indicative. We appreciate your feedback as this helps inform the final plan.

  • Share Hi I am a resident of the area neighbouring the reserve and am really impressed with the plan. I think it will improve peoples experiences and enhance the reserve, striking a good balances between conservation of the natural environment while improving its ease of use. I have one question regarding the fire break, there is existing Kanuka within the fire break area that is a serious threat to the homes on the southern border of the reserve. Acknowledging there is a risk surely means mitigating measures should be taken to safe guard those homes. If native planting is being added in secure areas, does it not follow that existing flora that presents a risk to people and property should be removed? Regards Ed Leigh on Facebook Share Hi I am a resident of the area neighbouring the reserve and am really impressed with the plan. I think it will improve peoples experiences and enhance the reserve, striking a good balances between conservation of the natural environment while improving its ease of use. I have one question regarding the fire break, there is existing Kanuka within the fire break area that is a serious threat to the homes on the southern border of the reserve. Acknowledging there is a risk surely means mitigating measures should be taken to safe guard those homes. If native planting is being added in secure areas, does it not follow that existing flora that presents a risk to people and property should be removed? Regards Ed Leigh on Twitter Share Hi I am a resident of the area neighbouring the reserve and am really impressed with the plan. I think it will improve peoples experiences and enhance the reserve, striking a good balances between conservation of the natural environment while improving its ease of use. I have one question regarding the fire break, there is existing Kanuka within the fire break area that is a serious threat to the homes on the southern border of the reserve. Acknowledging there is a risk surely means mitigating measures should be taken to safe guard those homes. If native planting is being added in secure areas, does it not follow that existing flora that presents a risk to people and property should be removed? Regards Ed Leigh on Linkedin Email Hi I am a resident of the area neighbouring the reserve and am really impressed with the plan. I think it will improve peoples experiences and enhance the reserve, striking a good balances between conservation of the natural environment while improving its ease of use. I have one question regarding the fire break, there is existing Kanuka within the fire break area that is a serious threat to the homes on the southern border of the reserve. Acknowledging there is a risk surely means mitigating measures should be taken to safe guard those homes. If native planting is being added in secure areas, does it not follow that existing flora that presents a risk to people and property should be removed? Regards Ed Leigh link

    Hi I am a resident of the area neighbouring the reserve and am really impressed with the plan. I think it will improve peoples experiences and enhance the reserve, striking a good balances between conservation of the natural environment while improving its ease of use. I have one question regarding the fire break, there is existing Kanuka within the fire break area that is a serious threat to the homes on the southern border of the reserve. Acknowledging there is a risk surely means mitigating measures should be taken to safe guard those homes. If native planting is being added in secure areas, does it not follow that existing flora that presents a risk to people and property should be removed? Regards Ed Leigh

    Dedleigh asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Ed, apologies for the delayed response and thank you for your query. At this stage, there are no plans to remove Kanuka. Any new planting suggestions will be low flammable natives which will create a natural fire break.

  • Share Hi QLDC. 1. Please leave the current mountain bike network untouched and do not seek to formally encourage people to walk these tracks. 2. I support UCCT’s proposed shared path through the Reserve and encourage it to include side paths to various viewpoints. 3. I note Bike Wanaka’s tireless efforts in 2018 to, engage lawyers, join Environment Court proceedings and to enter in to mediation with the developer (Infinity). This prevented an additional 16 houses being built on what is now Reserve land. Thank you! on Facebook Share Hi QLDC. 1. Please leave the current mountain bike network untouched and do not seek to formally encourage people to walk these tracks. 2. I support UCCT’s proposed shared path through the Reserve and encourage it to include side paths to various viewpoints. 3. I note Bike Wanaka’s tireless efforts in 2018 to, engage lawyers, join Environment Court proceedings and to enter in to mediation with the developer (Infinity). This prevented an additional 16 houses being built on what is now Reserve land. Thank you! on Twitter Share Hi QLDC. 1. Please leave the current mountain bike network untouched and do not seek to formally encourage people to walk these tracks. 2. I support UCCT’s proposed shared path through the Reserve and encourage it to include side paths to various viewpoints. 3. I note Bike Wanaka’s tireless efforts in 2018 to, engage lawyers, join Environment Court proceedings and to enter in to mediation with the developer (Infinity). This prevented an additional 16 houses being built on what is now Reserve land. Thank you! on Linkedin Email Hi QLDC. 1. Please leave the current mountain bike network untouched and do not seek to formally encourage people to walk these tracks. 2. I support UCCT’s proposed shared path through the Reserve and encourage it to include side paths to various viewpoints. 3. I note Bike Wanaka’s tireless efforts in 2018 to, engage lawyers, join Environment Court proceedings and to enter in to mediation with the developer (Infinity). This prevented an additional 16 houses being built on what is now Reserve land. Thank you! link

    Hi QLDC. 1. Please leave the current mountain bike network untouched and do not seek to formally encourage people to walk these tracks. 2. I support UCCT’s proposed shared path through the Reserve and encourage it to include side paths to various viewpoints. 3. I note Bike Wanaka’s tireless efforts in 2018 to, engage lawyers, join Environment Court proceedings and to enter in to mediation with the developer (Infinity). This prevented an additional 16 houses being built on what is now Reserve land. Thank you!

    Luxski asked over 1 year ago

    Hi there, thanks for sharing your feedback which been submitted to the Parks team for consideration.

  • Share I am resident of the Southern boundary to the reserve and feel strongly that the medium height native plantings suggested (assuming that these will mean 3-5m at full maturity) serve few people as they will neither improve or diminish users experience of the bush, but they will limit residents views. Smaller Planting in the 1-3m range, would still have the same effect for people in the reserve, creating a bush environment, but without limiting residents enjoyment of the views. on Facebook Share I am resident of the Southern boundary to the reserve and feel strongly that the medium height native plantings suggested (assuming that these will mean 3-5m at full maturity) serve few people as they will neither improve or diminish users experience of the bush, but they will limit residents views. Smaller Planting in the 1-3m range, would still have the same effect for people in the reserve, creating a bush environment, but without limiting residents enjoyment of the views. on Twitter Share I am resident of the Southern boundary to the reserve and feel strongly that the medium height native plantings suggested (assuming that these will mean 3-5m at full maturity) serve few people as they will neither improve or diminish users experience of the bush, but they will limit residents views. Smaller Planting in the 1-3m range, would still have the same effect for people in the reserve, creating a bush environment, but without limiting residents enjoyment of the views. on Linkedin Email I am resident of the Southern boundary to the reserve and feel strongly that the medium height native plantings suggested (assuming that these will mean 3-5m at full maturity) serve few people as they will neither improve or diminish users experience of the bush, but they will limit residents views. Smaller Planting in the 1-3m range, would still have the same effect for people in the reserve, creating a bush environment, but without limiting residents enjoyment of the views. link

    I am resident of the Southern boundary to the reserve and feel strongly that the medium height native plantings suggested (assuming that these will mean 3-5m at full maturity) serve few people as they will neither improve or diminish users experience of the bush, but they will limit residents views. Smaller Planting in the 1-3m range, would still have the same effect for people in the reserve, creating a bush environment, but without limiting residents enjoyment of the views.

    Dedleigh asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Ed, thanks for taking the time to provide feedback. I can confirm that this has been shared with the Parks team to consider closely as there have been a number of planting related feedback submissions.

  • Share The sections along the southern boundary area (Infinity Drive) can be subjected to flood from rain water run off the Peninsula Bay reserve. This would be an opportunity to mitigate this run off by creating a larger water swale. Low planting vegetation could be incorporated into this, therefore not causing disruption to the existing views from the homes situation on the reserve boundary. I look forward to your response to this run off issue and low height planting options. on Facebook Share The sections along the southern boundary area (Infinity Drive) can be subjected to flood from rain water run off the Peninsula Bay reserve. This would be an opportunity to mitigate this run off by creating a larger water swale. Low planting vegetation could be incorporated into this, therefore not causing disruption to the existing views from the homes situation on the reserve boundary. I look forward to your response to this run off issue and low height planting options. on Twitter Share The sections along the southern boundary area (Infinity Drive) can be subjected to flood from rain water run off the Peninsula Bay reserve. This would be an opportunity to mitigate this run off by creating a larger water swale. Low planting vegetation could be incorporated into this, therefore not causing disruption to the existing views from the homes situation on the reserve boundary. I look forward to your response to this run off issue and low height planting options. on Linkedin Email The sections along the southern boundary area (Infinity Drive) can be subjected to flood from rain water run off the Peninsula Bay reserve. This would be an opportunity to mitigate this run off by creating a larger water swale. Low planting vegetation could be incorporated into this, therefore not causing disruption to the existing views from the homes situation on the reserve boundary. I look forward to your response to this run off issue and low height planting options. link

    The sections along the southern boundary area (Infinity Drive) can be subjected to flood from rain water run off the Peninsula Bay reserve. This would be an opportunity to mitigate this run off by creating a larger water swale. Low planting vegetation could be incorporated into this, therefore not causing disruption to the existing views from the homes situation on the reserve boundary. I look forward to your response to this run off issue and low height planting options.

    Tony Weir asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for your insights here Tony. This feedback has been shared with the Parks team so they can look to address in the final plan.

  • Share I am a resident on the southern boundry of the Peninsula Bay Reserve and currency has unobstructed views towards the north. I am concerned that the proposed medium height native plantings 20m from the boundary will obstruct the existing views. i suggest if any plants are kept under half a meter the views may not be effect, ie grasses, not trees. on Facebook Share I am a resident on the southern boundry of the Peninsula Bay Reserve and currency has unobstructed views towards the north. I am concerned that the proposed medium height native plantings 20m from the boundary will obstruct the existing views. i suggest if any plants are kept under half a meter the views may not be effect, ie grasses, not trees. on Twitter Share I am a resident on the southern boundry of the Peninsula Bay Reserve and currency has unobstructed views towards the north. I am concerned that the proposed medium height native plantings 20m from the boundary will obstruct the existing views. i suggest if any plants are kept under half a meter the views may not be effect, ie grasses, not trees. on Linkedin Email I am a resident on the southern boundry of the Peninsula Bay Reserve and currency has unobstructed views towards the north. I am concerned that the proposed medium height native plantings 20m from the boundary will obstruct the existing views. i suggest if any plants are kept under half a meter the views may not be effect, ie grasses, not trees. link

    I am a resident on the southern boundry of the Peninsula Bay Reserve and currency has unobstructed views towards the north. I am concerned that the proposed medium height native plantings 20m from the boundary will obstruct the existing views. i suggest if any plants are kept under half a meter the views may not be effect, ie grasses, not trees.

    Tony Weir asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for your feedback Tony. I can confirm this has been recorded by the project team to be taken into consideration. If you do have any further further feedback you are welcome to fill out the survey at the bottom of the Let's Talk project page.

Page last updated: 21 Aug 2024, 02:17 PM