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This consultation has concluded.

Are you interested in helping to shape Kingston’s future? Have you got ideas to share about housing, climate change, growth and land use in your town? Share your thoughts with us here.

Also, you're welcome to come along to the My Place workshop held in Kingston - register here.

  • Kingston Golf Club
  • Wednesday 13 March
  • Starting at 6.30 sharp until 8.00pm

Are you interested in helping to shape Kingston’s future? Have you got ideas to share about housing, climate change, growth and land use in your town? Share your thoughts with us here.

Also, you're welcome to come along to the My Place workshop held in Kingston - register here.

  • Kingston Golf Club
  • Wednesday 13 March
  • Starting at 6.30 sharp until 8.00pm

  • Share Housing on Facebook Share Housing on Twitter Share Housing on Linkedin Email Housing link


    over 5 years ago

    What do you think this Housing Strategy should include? What should QLDC’s role be?

    The Council is developing a Housing Strategy together with the community, local stakeholders, businesses and the central government. We’re keen to capture any good ideas, innovations and international examples. For instance:

    • partnering with Government to deliver more homes
    • targeted rates
    • increased densities
    • incentives
    • requiring land/cash contributions to be used for the development of affordable housing

    To add your idea
    Sign In / Register
    Start by submitting an idea
  • Share Climate change and sustainability on Facebook Share Climate change and sustainability on Twitter Share Climate change and sustainability on Linkedin Email Climate change and sustainability link

    If you had $100 to spend on climate change activities, how much money would you put in each of the following areas?

    • Research and education
    • Prevention and protection
    • Reducing Green House emissions
    • Recovery from the effects of climate change
    • Something else? (Please tell us what this is)

    To add your idea
    Sign In / Register
    Start by submitting an idea