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Consultation on proposed changes to user fees and charges opens on Friday 21 March 2025.
QLDC provides a range of user pays services throughout the district. These include (but are not limited to) services such asprocessing building or resource consents, dog registration, access to sport and recreation or community facilities, use of Wānaka airport landing facilities, and carparking.
These fees and charges allow Council to pass on a proportion of thecosts to those who use and directly benefit from these services and facilities, reducing the amount of funding that needs to be collected through rates.
Fees and charges are usually reviewed as part of the Long TermPlan or Annual Plan process, however this financial year, the process has been considered separately. This is because QLDC has chosen to adopta more informal approach to community engagement on its proposed Annual Plan 2025-2026, seeking general feedback instead of a formal consultation.
QLDC is now commencing a separate formal consultation process on proposed changes to user fees and charges to ensure they are reviewed and set ahead of the start of the government sector financial year, coming into effect on 1 July 2025.
Get informed
Read the Statement of Proposal below.
The Statement of Proposal includes a summary of the changes, options and full details about the submission process.
Once you have read the Statement of Proposal, the easiest way to make a submission is to complete the online form below.
If you have any issues using the online form, please contact us on to let us know.
If you prefer, there are alternative ways to make a submission:
By email: send an email to - subject line 'Fees and Charges'
By post: pick up a hard copy submission form at any of our offices, libraries or recreation centres. Once completed, this can be returned in person or mailed to 'Fees and Charges Submission', Queenstown Lakes District Council, Private Bag 50072, Freepost 191078, Queenstown 9348.
Please make sure you let us know if you'd like to speak at a submission hearing, scheduled for 27 May 2025.
Submissions close on Wednesday 30 April 2025.
Consultation on proposed changes to user fees and charges opens on Friday 21 March 2025.
QLDC provides a range of user pays services throughout the district. These include (but are not limited to) services such asprocessing building or resource consents, dog registration, access to sport and recreation or community facilities, use of Wānaka airport landing facilities, and carparking.
These fees and charges allow Council to pass on a proportion of thecosts to those who use and directly benefit from these services and facilities, reducing the amount of funding that needs to be collected through rates.
Fees and charges are usually reviewed as part of the Long TermPlan or Annual Plan process, however this financial year, the process has been considered separately. This is because QLDC has chosen to adopta more informal approach to community engagement on its proposed Annual Plan 2025-2026, seeking general feedback instead of a formal consultation.
QLDC is now commencing a separate formal consultation process on proposed changes to user fees and charges to ensure they are reviewed and set ahead of the start of the government sector financial year, coming into effect on 1 July 2025.
Get informed
Read the Statement of Proposal below.
The Statement of Proposal includes a summary of the changes, options and full details about the submission process.
Once you have read the Statement of Proposal, the easiest way to make a submission is to complete the online form below.
If you have any issues using the online form, please contact us on to let us know.
If you prefer, there are alternative ways to make a submission:
By email: send an email to - subject line 'Fees and Charges'
By post: pick up a hard copy submission form at any of our offices, libraries or recreation centres. Once completed, this can be returned in person or mailed to 'Fees and Charges Submission', Queenstown Lakes District Council, Private Bag 50072, Freepost 191078, Queenstown 9348.
Please make sure you let us know if you'd like to speak at a submission hearing, scheduled for 27 May 2025.
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