Speed Limits Bylaw 2019

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Consultation has concluded

The submission period for the Speed Limits Bylaw 2019 has now closed.

To make our roads safer for all users QLDC wants to revoke the Speed Limits Bylaw 2009 and introduce a new bylaw Speed Limits Bylaw 2019. In addition to this, we're proposing the adoption of new speed limits for identified urban traffic areas, a number of 'high benefit' roads, and transitioning a number of reduced speed limit areas to become permanent.

We wanted you to let us know what you think about the new form of the bylaw and new speed limits we are proposing for roads under our control.

We have issued a Statement of Proposal which outlines the details of our proposal.

The submission period for the Speed Limits Bylaw 2019 has now closed.

To make our roads safer for all users QLDC wants to revoke the Speed Limits Bylaw 2009 and introduce a new bylaw Speed Limits Bylaw 2019. In addition to this, we're proposing the adoption of new speed limits for identified urban traffic areas, a number of 'high benefit' roads, and transitioning a number of reduced speed limit areas to become permanent.

We wanted you to let us know what you think about the new form of the bylaw and new speed limits we are proposing for roads under our control.

We have issued a Statement of Proposal which outlines the details of our proposal.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We're proposing a new Speed Limits Bylaw 2019 following a review of our 2009 Bylaw. We'd love your feedback, so tell us whether you support or oppose the proposition, and if you'd like to, why you feel the way you do.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Proposed Queenstown Lakes District Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2019 on Facebook Share Proposed Queenstown Lakes District Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2019 on Twitter Share Proposed Queenstown Lakes District Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2019 on Linkedin Email Proposed Queenstown Lakes District Council Speed Limits Bylaw 2019 link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We're proposing a new Speed Limits Bylaw 2019 following a review of our 2009 Bylaw. We'd love your feedback, so tell us whether you support or oppose the proposition, and if you'd like to, why you feel the way you do.

    Consultation has concluded
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We're proposing a number of the previous temporary speed limits around the district become permanent. We'd love your feedback, so tell us whether you support or oppose the proposition, and if you'd like to, why you feel the way you do.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share To Reduced Speed Sign Posted Areas on Facebook Share To Reduced Speed Sign Posted Areas on Twitter Share To Reduced Speed Sign Posted Areas on Linkedin Email To Reduced Speed Sign Posted Areas link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We're proposing new permanent speed limits for identified high benefit roads. We'd love your feedback, so tell us whether you support or oppose the proposition, and if you'd like to, why you feel the way you do.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Proposed Permanent Speed Limits for High Benefit Roads on Facebook Share Proposed Permanent Speed Limits for High Benefit Roads on Twitter Share Proposed Permanent Speed Limits for High Benefit Roads on Linkedin Email Proposed Permanent Speed Limits for High Benefit Roads link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We're proposing new permanent speed limits for urban traffic areas. We'd love your feedback, so tell us whether you support or oppose the proposition, and if you'd like to, why you feel the way you do.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Proposed Permanent Speed Limits for Urban Traffic Areas on Facebook Share Proposed Permanent Speed Limits for Urban Traffic Areas on Twitter Share Proposed Permanent Speed Limits for Urban Traffic Areas on Linkedin Email Proposed Permanent Speed Limits for Urban Traffic Areas link