Why prepare a Reserves Management Plan?

    This early engagement stage is a chance to share ideas, both big and small, to ensure the development of the RMP reflects the aspirations of different groups across the community. These insights will help guide the development of the plan and support a shared vision for how you and your community would like the Riverside Road Reserves to be used and managed in the future.

    Didn’t Council recently consult on a land swap for this area?

    Yes, that’s correct. There is an opportunity to exchange a portion of freehold land at 9 Robertson Street, Frankton with Local Purpose Reserve land on Stanley Street, as part of the Project Manawa proposal. This piece of land is not within scope of the current consultation. If this proposal were to go ahead in the future, it would formally expand the current Riverside Road reserves area.    

    Project Manawa submissions closed at the end of 2023 and a hearing was held on 19 February 2024. The hearings panel recommendation is expected to be presented to full Council on 4 April 2024.  You can read more at letstalk.qldc.govt.nz/project-manawa.

    Are you considering the Te Kirikiri Frankton Masterplan when drafting the Riverside Road Reserves RMP?

    Yes, the Te Kirikiri Frankton Masterplan was publicly notified and endorsed by council in 2020. It has valuable information and themes which will flow into our draft RMP as it provides design and planning principles which relate to the Riverside Road Reserves.  

    To take a look at the plan click here: QLDC Frankton Masterplan