Quality of Life Survey
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The 2024 Quality of Life Survey
The survey is now closed. Results are available on the right side of this page under Important Links.
About the Quality of Life Survey
The Quality of Life survey has been conducted every year since 2018. The information you provide helps to build up a long-term picture of how our district is faring. It helps Council and public service providers understand what the big issues and challenges facing our communities are so they can plan for the future.
It's also a great opportunity to share what’s going well and the things you love about our beautiful part of the world.
We’ve worked with organisations including regional tourism organisations, MahiQL, and Queenstown Lakes Charitable Housing Trust to develop the survey.
Together we use the insights to plan for a better tomorrow, and ultimately improve the quality of life of our residents.
This research is being conducted by Versus Research on behalf of Queenstown Lakes District Council.
How to take part
Completing the survey is easy. Simply click the link in the pink survey box at the top of the page. The survey will take around 15-20 minutes to complete and all responses are anonymous – you will not be identified by any information you provide.
Everyone who lives in our district aged 18 and over is invited to take part (not just ratepayers), so grab a cuppa and let us know what really matters to you. The online survey is also open to non-resident ratepayers.
If you have any questions or difficulties completing the survey due to a disability, language barrier, or other, please contact Versus Research directly on 0800 837787 or email info@versus.co.nz.
If you do not have access to a device, free computer / internet access is available at our public libraries district-wide to complete the survey. A hard copy can also be made available by contacting our customer services team on 03 441 0499.
If you'd like to see a sample of what types of questions we ask before you take the survey, please check out our FAQs to the right of this page.
You can also opt into the prize draw to win a $250 Prezzy card or a weekly $50 spot prize.
Prize winners will be announced shortly after the close date and a summary of findings will be published early in 2025.
The survey runs for 5 weeks, and closes at 5.00pm on Sunday 10 November 2024.
Why is your participation important?
The Quality of Life Survey provides a key source of information about what matters to our communities. Most other data sources don’t break down to a district, or town level, so your feedback is highly valuable in helping shape our policies and plans and for informing how we can best advocate on your behalf to government. Having reliable and up to date evidence makes all the difference to our ability to improve our community’s quality of life.
What were some of the key points from last year
Key findings from the 2023 survey include:
- 72% of residents rate their quality of life as good or better.
- 21% said they had a place to live today but were worried about losing it in the future.
- 18% indicated they needed to move in the last 12 months.
- 21% had no disposable income or couldn't cover expenses
- 39% were required to travel outside the district for health services.
- 91% agreed their neighbourhood was safe.
- 51% agreed their neighbourhood gave them a sense of community or belonging.
>> You can read previous surveys at www.qldc.govt.nz/community-research
Check out FAQ section to the right of this page which we hope will answer any more queries you may have.