Draft Reserve Management Plan - Lake Hayes Estate, Shotover Country & Bridesdale

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Consultation has concluded.

The Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for Lake Hayes Estate, Shotover Country and Bridesdale (LHESCB) reserves will be going before Full Council for adoption.

Click here to see the adopted RMP.

QLDC's draft Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for the recreation reserves in the Lake Hayes Estate, Shotover Country and Bridesdale (LHESCB) residential areas aims to be a guide for the types of activities and facilities that are desired (and not desired) within these reserves, enabling the improvement of these spaces to provide a more diverse range of recreation opportunities for a wide range of ages.

Reserves in the RMP include:

  • McBride Park - Lake Hayes Estate
  • Nerin Square - Lake Hayes Estate
  • Walnut Grove Reserve - Lake Hayes Estate
  • Widgeon Place - Lake Hayes Estate
  • Richmond Park - Shotover Country
  • Shotover Wetlands - Shotover Country

Making a submission:

Submissions closed at 5.00pm on Friday 28 May 2021.

The Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for Lake Hayes Estate, Shotover Country and Bridesdale (LHESCB) reserves will be going before Full Council for adoption.

Click here to see the adopted RMP.

QLDC's draft Reserve Management Plan (RMP) for the recreation reserves in the Lake Hayes Estate, Shotover Country and Bridesdale (LHESCB) residential areas aims to be a guide for the types of activities and facilities that are desired (and not desired) within these reserves, enabling the improvement of these spaces to provide a more diverse range of recreation opportunities for a wide range of ages.

Reserves in the RMP include:

  • McBride Park - Lake Hayes Estate
  • Nerin Square - Lake Hayes Estate
  • Walnut Grove Reserve - Lake Hayes Estate
  • Widgeon Place - Lake Hayes Estate
  • Richmond Park - Shotover Country
  • Shotover Wetlands - Shotover Country

Making a submission:

Submissions closed at 5.00pm on Friday 28 May 2021.

Consultation has concluded.

If you're keen to know more or unsure about something, ask it here and we'll provide a response as soon as possible!

  • Share Are there any plans to provide Bins on the reserves for rubbish and or Dog Bags? I see free dog bags in the area on some roads but very few bins to put the dog waste in and I have seen alot of dog waste not picked up or the bags left on the ground at the rerserves. As a responsible dog owner We take bags and bring the waste home to our house but bins at the reserevs may encourage all to do the right thing. on Facebook Share Are there any plans to provide Bins on the reserves for rubbish and or Dog Bags? I see free dog bags in the area on some roads but very few bins to put the dog waste in and I have seen alot of dog waste not picked up or the bags left on the ground at the rerserves. As a responsible dog owner We take bags and bring the waste home to our house but bins at the reserevs may encourage all to do the right thing. on Twitter Share Are there any plans to provide Bins on the reserves for rubbish and or Dog Bags? I see free dog bags in the area on some roads but very few bins to put the dog waste in and I have seen alot of dog waste not picked up or the bags left on the ground at the rerserves. As a responsible dog owner We take bags and bring the waste home to our house but bins at the reserevs may encourage all to do the right thing. on Linkedin Email Are there any plans to provide Bins on the reserves for rubbish and or Dog Bags? I see free dog bags in the area on some roads but very few bins to put the dog waste in and I have seen alot of dog waste not picked up or the bags left on the ground at the rerserves. As a responsible dog owner We take bags and bring the waste home to our house but bins at the reserevs may encourage all to do the right thing. link

    Are there any plans to provide Bins on the reserves for rubbish and or Dog Bags? I see free dog bags in the area on some roads but very few bins to put the dog waste in and I have seen alot of dog waste not picked up or the bags left on the ground at the rerserves. As a responsible dog owner We take bags and bring the waste home to our house but bins at the reserevs may encourage all to do the right thing.

    Read67 asked about 4 years ago

    While our general approach to reserves is that the user takes their rubbish home with them (as it sounds like you are doing), this is an opportunity for members of the community to shape how these recreation reserves are used both now, and in the future. Our plans are yours to help guide, so, if you'd like to see more bins, or doggy bag dispensers, we'd welcome you to suggest that in a feedback form here: https://letstalk.qldc.govt.nz/draft-rmp-lhescb/survey_tools/draft-rmp-lhescb 

  • Share Are there any plans to put a tennis Club on one of the reserves in the Area, as the only 2 options at the moment are in the gardens right in Queenstown or a small club at Arrowtown. If not, could we have more of the multi sport facitilties (tennis court/football/basketball etc.) like the one in McBride Park. on Facebook Share Are there any plans to put a tennis Club on one of the reserves in the Area, as the only 2 options at the moment are in the gardens right in Queenstown or a small club at Arrowtown. If not, could we have more of the multi sport facitilties (tennis court/football/basketball etc.) like the one in McBride Park. on Twitter Share Are there any plans to put a tennis Club on one of the reserves in the Area, as the only 2 options at the moment are in the gardens right in Queenstown or a small club at Arrowtown. If not, could we have more of the multi sport facitilties (tennis court/football/basketball etc.) like the one in McBride Park. on Linkedin Email Are there any plans to put a tennis Club on one of the reserves in the Area, as the only 2 options at the moment are in the gardens right in Queenstown or a small club at Arrowtown. If not, could we have more of the multi sport facitilties (tennis court/football/basketball etc.) like the one in McBride Park. link

    Are there any plans to put a tennis Club on one of the reserves in the Area, as the only 2 options at the moment are in the gardens right in Queenstown or a small club at Arrowtown. If not, could we have more of the multi sport facitilties (tennis court/football/basketball etc.) like the one in McBride Park.

    Read67 asked about 4 years ago

    Leading to a draft being made, the Reserve Management Plan is a blank canvas and open for community members to suggest more sports facilities if that's what you'd like to see. Council has no set plans for these recreation reserves, so it's your feedback that will help shape future options. Set your imagination free, tell us what you want to see enhanced in these spaces, and leave a pin (or several) on the Leave Your Mark section to visual where and what you want to see: https://letstalk.qldc.govt.nz/draft-rmp-lhescb/maps/leave-your-mark 

  • Share I want to see existing infrastructure in these reserves before providing feedback. Is there a way to do this? on Facebook Share I want to see existing infrastructure in these reserves before providing feedback. Is there a way to do this? on Twitter Share I want to see existing infrastructure in these reserves before providing feedback. Is there a way to do this? on Linkedin Email I want to see existing infrastructure in these reserves before providing feedback. Is there a way to do this? link

    I want to see existing infrastructure in these reserves before providing feedback. Is there a way to do this?

    about 4 years ago

    We've made a graphic detailing existing infrastructure in these reserves.  Click here to view.

  • Share Are there any drop-in sessions I can attend? on Facebook Share Are there any drop-in sessions I can attend? on Twitter Share Are there any drop-in sessions I can attend? on Linkedin Email Are there any drop-in sessions I can attend? link

    Are there any drop-in sessions I can attend?

    about 4 years ago

    We're holding two public drop-in sessions at The Hayes Cafe, on Wednesday 17 June and Saturday 20 June between 11.00am and 1.00pm. All are welcome!

  • Share What happens once I've submitted feedback? on Facebook Share What happens once I've submitted feedback? on Twitter Share What happens once I've submitted feedback? on Linkedin Email What happens once I've submitted feedback? link

    What happens once I've submitted feedback?

    about 4 years ago

    Community input will be used to create a draft RMP of the area. Following this, QLDC will notify the draft and take further submissions on the document, before finalising the RMP.

  • Share Is 516 Ladies Mile included in the Reserve Management Plan for LHESCB? on Facebook Share Is 516 Ladies Mile included in the Reserve Management Plan for LHESCB? on Twitter Share Is 516 Ladies Mile included in the Reserve Management Plan for LHESCB? on Linkedin Email Is 516 Ladies Mile included in the Reserve Management Plan for LHESCB? link

    Is 516 Ladies Mile included in the Reserve Management Plan for LHESCB?

    about 4 years ago

    516 Ladies Mile is not included in this Reserve Management Plan, as it is currently a part of a separate masterplanning project.