Creativity, culture and heritage play an ever-increasing and important role in enriching the lives of both the people who live here and those who visit.
Thanks to those who took time to share their thoughts on the Draft Creativity and Culture Strategy which closed for feedback on 19 April 2024. Once community feedback is collated and incorporated in the Draft, the final Creativity and Culture Strategy is expected to be presented to Full Council for endorsement in June 2024.
Got a question?
If you have a question, please submit it on the 'Ask a question' tool below and we'll get it answered as soon as possible. All questions and answers will be published for everyone to see.
Or get in touch with Samantha Kirk from Three Lakes Cultural Trust on
About the project
We’ve collaborated with the Regional Arts Organisation Three Lakes Cultural Trust (TLCT), Lakes District Museum and Kāi Tahu to develop a Draft Te Rautaki Auahataka me te Ahurea o Queenstown Lakes District | Queenstown Lakes District Creativity and Culture Strategy.
Through a series of district-wide hui and early insights engagement in April-June 2023, the Draft Strategy and implementation plan has been shaped by the collective aspirations of our communities.
A well-informed strategy will help set a shared vision and commitment to the sector. It will guide what should be preserved, maintained, celebrated, as well outline a roadmap of what we need to do to achieve this.

Take a look at the documents below, then share your feedback using the survey form below or by clicking the "have your say" button at the top of the page.
>> Read the Draft Te Rautaki Auahataka me te Ahurea o Queenstown Lakes District | Queenstown Lakes District Creativity and Culture Strategy
>> Read the Draft Implementation Plan
>> Read the Draft Strategy Summary
Feedback on the Draft Creativity and Culture Strategy closed on 19 April 2024.
Join us at an upcoming hui and speak up for creativity, culture and heritage in the Queenstown Lakes District:
Tāhuna Queenstown
Rāapa / Wednesday 3 April, 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Queenstown Events Centre
RSVP here
Rāpare / Thursday 11 April, 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Wānaka Community Hub
RSVP here
Rāmere / Friday 12 April, 4.00pm – 6.00pm
The Headwaters Eco Lodge
RSVP here
Or come along to a community drop-in session and chat with a member of the Creativity and Culture Steering Committee:
Rātū / Tuesday 9 April, 10.30am – 12.00pm
Wānaka Library, Dunmore Street
Tāhuna Queenstown
Rāmere / Friday 12 April, 11.30am – 1.00pm
Manaaki Mai room, Te Atamira, Hawthorne Drive, Frankton

This Draft Strategy outlines a ten-year roadmap to help build a vibrant, creative district so that it remains a special place for generations to come.
Once community feedback is collated and incorporated in the Draft, the final Creativity and Culture Strategy is expected to be presented to Full Council for endorsement in June 2024.
What we've learnt so far
Take a look at the creative illustrations that talented visual scribe, Rhiannon James, developed to capture conversations, show connections and key themes at each of the engagement hui from early community consultation in April-June 2023.
>> View the artwork here
Creativity, culture and heritage play an ever-increasing and important role in enriching the lives of both the people who live here and those who visit.
Thanks to those who took time to share their thoughts on the Draft Creativity and Culture Strategy which closed for feedback on 19 April 2024. Once community feedback is collated and incorporated in the Draft, the final Creativity and Culture Strategy is expected to be presented to Full Council for endorsement in June 2024.
Got a question?
If you have a question, please submit it on the 'Ask a question' tool below and we'll get it answered as soon as possible. All questions and answers will be published for everyone to see.
Or get in touch with Samantha Kirk from Three Lakes Cultural Trust on
About the project
We’ve collaborated with the Regional Arts Organisation Three Lakes Cultural Trust (TLCT), Lakes District Museum and Kāi Tahu to develop a Draft Te Rautaki Auahataka me te Ahurea o Queenstown Lakes District | Queenstown Lakes District Creativity and Culture Strategy.
Through a series of district-wide hui and early insights engagement in April-June 2023, the Draft Strategy and implementation plan has been shaped by the collective aspirations of our communities.
A well-informed strategy will help set a shared vision and commitment to the sector. It will guide what should be preserved, maintained, celebrated, as well outline a roadmap of what we need to do to achieve this.

Take a look at the documents below, then share your feedback using the survey form below or by clicking the "have your say" button at the top of the page.
>> Read the Draft Te Rautaki Auahataka me te Ahurea o Queenstown Lakes District | Queenstown Lakes District Creativity and Culture Strategy
>> Read the Draft Implementation Plan
>> Read the Draft Strategy Summary
Feedback on the Draft Creativity and Culture Strategy closed on 19 April 2024.
Join us at an upcoming hui and speak up for creativity, culture and heritage in the Queenstown Lakes District:
Tāhuna Queenstown
Rāapa / Wednesday 3 April, 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Queenstown Events Centre
RSVP here
Rāpare / Thursday 11 April, 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Wānaka Community Hub
RSVP here
Rāmere / Friday 12 April, 4.00pm – 6.00pm
The Headwaters Eco Lodge
RSVP here
Or come along to a community drop-in session and chat with a member of the Creativity and Culture Steering Committee:
Rātū / Tuesday 9 April, 10.30am – 12.00pm
Wānaka Library, Dunmore Street
Tāhuna Queenstown
Rāmere / Friday 12 April, 11.30am – 1.00pm
Manaaki Mai room, Te Atamira, Hawthorne Drive, Frankton

This Draft Strategy outlines a ten-year roadmap to help build a vibrant, creative district so that it remains a special place for generations to come.
Once community feedback is collated and incorporated in the Draft, the final Creativity and Culture Strategy is expected to be presented to Full Council for endorsement in June 2024.
What we've learnt so far
Take a look at the creative illustrations that talented visual scribe, Rhiannon James, developed to capture conversations, show connections and key themes at each of the engagement hui from early community consultation in April-June 2023.
>> View the artwork here