What is the Community Insights survey?
It is an independently conducted survey commissioned by QLDC to gather information on the level of trust residents have in Council processes and decision making, and to measure the level of satisfaction in the community with Council facilities and its overall performance. 2025 is the first year of the survey but it will run annually going forward.
Who is running the survey?
Queenstown Lakes District Council has commissioned Key Research, a research consultancy based in Tauranga, to complete the survey on its behalf. Key Research handles all survey responses, ensures the survey sample used is representative of the Queenstown-Lakes population, and provide analysis of the key findings.
Who can complete the survey?
The survey is open to all residents aged 18 and above. Between 24 February and 9 March only invited resident’s will be able to participate by following the link or using the QR code supplied to them in their invitation. They will need to enter their ID code that they will have received when invited via post or email. From 10 March to 30 March all residents will be able to participate via this webpage.
How does this survey differ from the Quality of Life survey?
Whereas the Quality of Life survey looks at the wellbeing of residents, the trust survey will specifically monitor Council performance and provide data and information as to whether it’s processes and decision making are trusted by residents. Utilising two surveys will ensure both resident wellbeing and Council performance are given the focus they deserve and ensure the results are used effectively.
Why are non-invited residents not able to complete a survey until 10 March?
To ensure responses accurately reflect community sentiment and respondents are reflective of the district’s demographics, this survey will be run in two sets — one for randomly selected participants and one open to all Queenstown Lakes residents aged over 18.
How did I get invited?
Residents have been randomly selected from the electoral roll, with permission from the Electoral Commission, to participate in the survey. These residents have been sent a letter in the post or contacted via email using information in the rates database.
Are my responses anonymous?
Yes. Key research handles all survey responses and ensures no-one, including Council staff, know who has participated. All data given to QLDC is anonymised.
Who can I contact about the survey?
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Key Research on 0800 501 015 or info@keyresearch.co.nz. If you have a media enquiry, please contact QLDC Communications on communications@qldc.govt.nz or call 03 441 1802.