Welcoming Plan 2024-2027
Making the places we love welcoming for everyone
Thanks to everyone who took the time to join a community hui and share feedback on the draft Welcoming Plan. This engagement closed on Thursday 22 August 2024.
Next steps
All community feedback is now being considered and will be used to guide the final Welcoming Plan for the district. You can read the collated feedback from the Queenstown and Wānaka hui in the documents section to the right. The final draft plan will then be presented to the Community & Services Committee for endorsement and adoption in late September. If adopted, the Welcoming Plan 2024-2027 will be published for the community to view here on Let's Talk.
Got a question?
If you have a question, please submit it on the tool below and we'll get it answered as soon as possible. All questions and answers will be published for everyone to see.
Over many decades, migrants from different parts of the world, as well as from all over Aotearoa New Zealand, have made Queenstown Lakes their home. It's part of what makes our communities so diverse and vibrant.
We’ve been collaborating with our community to develop a three-year Welcoming Plan for our district that reflects the unique characteristics of our place and people to ensure that all newcomers are able to thrive.
The draft Welcoming Plan is now available for wider public feedback.
Get informed and have your say
Have we got it right? We’d love to know if you support this draft plan to make the places we love welcoming for everyone.
First, take a look at the plan and the key actions proposed for community partners and Council to deliver. Then, share your feedback on the survey form below or by clicking the "have your say" button at the top of the page.
>>Read the draft Queenstown Lakes District Welcoming Plan 2024-2027
>>Read the Welcoming Plan on a Page summary
Feedback on the draft Welcoming Plan will close on Thursday 22 August 2024.
Join a community hui (gathering)
All are welcome to come along to hear more on the draft Queenstown Lakes District Welcoming Plan 2024-2027 at one of two hui held in Queenstown and Wānaka. We’ll be taking you through the plan’s actions, asking for your insights and sharing ways community partners can be involved.
Joining us will be iwi, key stakeholders, Pacific and ethnic community representatives, elected members and Council staff. We’d love to have you be part of the conversation.
>>Read the collated feedback from Queenstown's Community Engagement Hui
>>Read the collated feedback from Wānaka's Community Engagement Hui
- When: 5.30pm-7:30pm on Wednesday 7 August
- Where: Queenstown Events Centre Function Room, Joe O’Connell Drive, Frankton
Please show your interest in joining by emailing your RSVP by Monday 5 August to silvia.dancose@qldc.govt.nz
- When: 5.30pm-7:30pm on Wednesday 14 August
- Where: Lake Wānaka Centre, Armstrong Room
Please show your interest in joining by emailing your RSVP by Monday 12 August to hemi.cordell@qldc.govt.nz
What is Welcoming Communities?
The Welcoming Communities programme brings together local government and communities to make our place more welcoming for everyone. This contributes towards healthier, happier and more productive communities.
The Welcoming Communities | Te Waharoa ki nga Hapori programme is led by Immigration New Zealand (INZ) in partnership with the Ministry for Ethnic Communities (MEC) and the Human Rights Commission. Queenstown Lakes District Council joined the programme in 2021.
You can read more about the work already underway at www.qldc.govt.nz/welcoming-communities
Do you have a question about the Welcoming Plan? Ask it here and we'll get it answered as soon as possible.
All questions and answers will be published here for everyone to see.
Thank you for your contribution!
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