Queenstown and Frankton Parking Strategy

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Consultation has concluded.

What is the project

The Queenstown and Frankton Parking Strategy will describe how parking should be managed in Queenstown and Frankton and will set out a programme of interventions to achieve the objectives and projects developed through the Queenstown and Frankton masterplans.

The Detailed Business Case will develop the proposal for investment and outline how the interventions can be delivered.

We’re considering the following things as part of the strategy:

  • Car parking capacity
  • Current and future payment systems, including apps
  • Wayfinding
  • Resident parking schemes
  • Motorcycle, electric vehicle and car share parking
  • Deliveries and service vehicles
  • Passenger service vehicles (tourist buses and taxis)
  • Campervan parking
  • Parking on verges
  • Parking enforcement

Progress so far

The Parking Strategy and Detailed Business Case is currently in development.

We have held a number of workshops and are working closely with stakeholders to develop the Strategy.

Next steps

We will undertake community engagement on the Parking Strategy following the other projects under the Wakatipu Way to Go umbrella. We will share more details on this as the projects develop.

Following the engagement process, we will update the strategy where required and present it for QLDC approval. We will also submit our request for funding to the New Zealand Transport Agency.

What is the project

The Queenstown and Frankton Parking Strategy will describe how parking should be managed in Queenstown and Frankton and will set out a programme of interventions to achieve the objectives and projects developed through the Queenstown and Frankton masterplans.

The Detailed Business Case will develop the proposal for investment and outline how the interventions can be delivered.

We’re considering the following things as part of the strategy:

  • Car parking capacity
  • Current and future payment systems, including apps
  • Wayfinding
  • Resident parking schemes
  • Motorcycle, electric vehicle and car share parking
  • Deliveries and service vehicles
  • Passenger service vehicles (tourist buses and taxis)
  • Campervan parking
  • Parking on verges
  • Parking enforcement

Progress so far

The Parking Strategy and Detailed Business Case is currently in development.

We have held a number of workshops and are working closely with stakeholders to develop the Strategy.

Next steps

We will undertake community engagement on the Parking Strategy following the other projects under the Wakatipu Way to Go umbrella. We will share more details on this as the projects develop.

Following the engagement process, we will update the strategy where required and present it for QLDC approval. We will also submit our request for funding to the New Zealand Transport Agency.