Proposed District Plan - Stage 3

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Consultation has concluded.

This is a summary of the key changes being proposed in this part of the Proposed District Plan (Stage 3 and 3B).

About the Proposed District Plan

The District Plan guides land users and Council staff for how land can be used - what can be developed and where. We are now at the third stage of the review of our District Plan. As part of this several topics have been assessed and changes are being proposed in order to ensure our district can adapt and grow with changing needs, while protecting what makes this a special place to live. The topics covered include:

  • General Industrial Zone
  • Townships (Settlement Zone)
  • Three Parks
  • 100 Ballantyne Road, Wānaka – Active Sport and Recreation Zone
  • Wāhi Tūpuna (Sites of Significance to Iwi)
  • Design Guidelines for Residential Zones and the Business Mixed Use Zone
  • Rural Visitor Zone (as part of Stage 3B)

Originally, we had planned to include Affordable Housing, and also Brewery Creek and Reavers Lane Natural Hazards in this review stage. However additional research is still underway and they are likely to be notified later in 2020.

Planning speak can get pretty technical. We’ve tried to keep things simple, but if there are any terms you don’t understand, head to for a plain English glossary or get in touch.

Knowing your Operative District Plan from the Proposed District Plan

A review of the content of a District Plan must begin within ten years of it being made operative. It can be a lengthy process so to ensure we can complete the review while allowing development to continue, we have split the district plan into two volumes. These are:

  • VOLUME A: This is the Proposed District Plan which includes stages 1, 2 and 3.
  • VOLUME B: This is largely the Operative District Plan but also includes areas of land that have either been specifically excluded from the review or haven’t been reviewed yet.

This means Volume B is getting smaller every week but in the meantime, and depending on where and what the development is, plan users and Council planners will refer to both volumes until the new, complete Plan is fully operative.

How the District Plan fits in the bigger picture

The District Plan is essentially the rule book and set of objectives that guide land use and development in the district over the next ten years, while retaining what’s important to our community. For many of the topics addressed in this stage of the review, the conversation began in February 2019 with the My Place roadshow which visited most of the district’s townships.

At a slightly higher level, a Spatial Plan is also being prepared that looks at the growth in our townships, infrastructure and community facilities in the next 30 years and beyond. When this is finalised, it will help inform future changes to the District Plan.

The Spatial Plan is something QLDC is delivering to lead the community conversation on growth and it is also a requirement from Central Government for us to plan for future growth as a High-Growth Council. QLDC will be engaging with the community on the Spatial Plan between Spring 2019 and Autumn 2020.

This is a summary of the key changes being proposed in this part of the Proposed District Plan (Stage 3 and 3B).

About the Proposed District Plan

The District Plan guides land users and Council staff for how land can be used - what can be developed and where. We are now at the third stage of the review of our District Plan. As part of this several topics have been assessed and changes are being proposed in order to ensure our district can adapt and grow with changing needs, while protecting what makes this a special place to live. The topics covered include:

  • General Industrial Zone
  • Townships (Settlement Zone)
  • Three Parks
  • 100 Ballantyne Road, Wānaka – Active Sport and Recreation Zone
  • Wāhi Tūpuna (Sites of Significance to Iwi)
  • Design Guidelines for Residential Zones and the Business Mixed Use Zone
  • Rural Visitor Zone (as part of Stage 3B)

Originally, we had planned to include Affordable Housing, and also Brewery Creek and Reavers Lane Natural Hazards in this review stage. However additional research is still underway and they are likely to be notified later in 2020.

Planning speak can get pretty technical. We’ve tried to keep things simple, but if there are any terms you don’t understand, head to for a plain English glossary or get in touch.

Knowing your Operative District Plan from the Proposed District Plan

A review of the content of a District Plan must begin within ten years of it being made operative. It can be a lengthy process so to ensure we can complete the review while allowing development to continue, we have split the district plan into two volumes. These are:

  • VOLUME A: This is the Proposed District Plan which includes stages 1, 2 and 3.
  • VOLUME B: This is largely the Operative District Plan but also includes areas of land that have either been specifically excluded from the review or haven’t been reviewed yet.

This means Volume B is getting smaller every week but in the meantime, and depending on where and what the development is, plan users and Council planners will refer to both volumes until the new, complete Plan is fully operative.

How the District Plan fits in the bigger picture

The District Plan is essentially the rule book and set of objectives that guide land use and development in the district over the next ten years, while retaining what’s important to our community. For many of the topics addressed in this stage of the review, the conversation began in February 2019 with the My Place roadshow which visited most of the district’s townships.

At a slightly higher level, a Spatial Plan is also being prepared that looks at the growth in our townships, infrastructure and community facilities in the next 30 years and beyond. When this is finalised, it will help inform future changes to the District Plan.

The Spatial Plan is something QLDC is delivering to lead the community conversation on growth and it is also a requirement from Central Government for us to plan for future growth as a High-Growth Council. QLDC will be engaging with the community on the Spatial Plan between Spring 2019 and Autumn 2020.

Consultation has concluded.

If there's something you want answered about the Proposed District Plan - Stage 3, ask it here.

We'll provide a response and post it here.

  • Share Why is Queenstown/Wanaka CBD and most of their respective residential areas not part of Wahi Tupuna but the entirety of Kingston and Glenorchy are? Seems like you have gone out of your way to create a double standard. on Facebook Share Why is Queenstown/Wanaka CBD and most of their respective residential areas not part of Wahi Tupuna but the entirety of Kingston and Glenorchy are? Seems like you have gone out of your way to create a double standard. on Twitter Share Why is Queenstown/Wanaka CBD and most of their respective residential areas not part of Wahi Tupuna but the entirety of Kingston and Glenorchy are? Seems like you have gone out of your way to create a double standard. on Linkedin Email Why is Queenstown/Wanaka CBD and most of their respective residential areas not part of Wahi Tupuna but the entirety of Kingston and Glenorchy are? Seems like you have gone out of your way to create a double standard. link

    Why is Queenstown/Wanaka CBD and most of their respective residential areas not part of Wahi Tupuna but the entirety of Kingston and Glenorchy are? Seems like you have gone out of your way to create a double standard.

    DarienLiu asked over 5 years ago

    Hi Darien, Kāi Tahu provided the maps of Wāhi Tūpuna areas (areas that have cultural value and significance to them). 

    Queenstown and Wānaka are noted as not being mapped as they have been extensively modified.

    For more information on the mapped areas, please take a look at Schedule 39.6 in the notified provisions -