Upper Clutha Landscape Schedules

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Feedback on these additional landscape schedules in the Upper Clutha closed on Sunday 6 August 2023. We're now considering all feedback prior to notifying the landscape schedules for inclusion in the Proposed District Plan (PDP). Once notified, there will be opportunity to be part of the process through submissions or further submissions on the variation.

We’re creating additional landscape schedules that set out the values of our district’s landscapes for Rural Character Landscapes (RCLs) and one Priority Area in the Upper Clutha.

A landscape schedule sets out the values of an area; the elements of a landscape which people care about most. These values could include how the landscape looks, the quality and quantity of its vegetation and wildlife, what your experience of being in the landscape is, the impact the landscape has on your sense of wellbeing, its historic or cultural significance, what it tells us about how it was created, and the recreational benefits we get from it.

The schedules will then be included in QLDC’s District Plan and used to assess applications for resource consent for development. A landscape schedule will be created for each of the landscape areas and used when assessing applications for resource consent, ensuring that the identified values are being managed or protected.

Previous landscape schedules for Priority Areas were notified in June 2022. This focused on 29 areas comprised of a mixture of Outstanding Natural Landscapes, Outstanding Natural Features, and Rural Character Landscapes. These new landscape schedules will include the remaining Rural Character Landscapes and one additional Priority Area in the Upper Clutha.

Which areas are included in these new Landscape Schedules?

There are 12 additional Rural Character Landscape Schedules. The additional areas are:

  1. Mount Aspiring Road

  1. Studholme Road

  1. Riverbank Road

  1. Wānaka Airport

  1. Mount BarkerLuggate

  1. Luggate

  1. Queensberry

  1. Kane Road and Luggate Tarras Highway

  1. Hāwea Moraine

  1. Hāwea Terrace

  1. Crosshill

  1. Quartz Creek and Maungawera

This includes one additional Priority Area too:

  1. Clutha Mata-Au Priority Area


>> Map of Rural Character Landscape Schedules

Drop-in session:

We’re hosting a drop-in session in Wānaka discuss landscape schedules and the RCLs with all interested.

Date: Tuesday 4 July
Time: 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Location: Armstrong Room, Lake Wānaka Centre

All are welcome, pop by any time!

Share your feedback:

Feedback on these additional landscape schedules in the Upper Clutha closed on Sunday 6 August 2023.

Next steps:

We'll consider all feedback we receive prior to notifying the landscape schedules for inclusion in the Proposed District Plan (PDP). Once notified there will be opportunity to be part of the process through submissions or further submissions on the variation.

If you have any questions about landscape schedules, please contact one of our Duty Planners during office hours by phone 03 441 0499 (Queenstown) or 03 443 0024 (Wānaka), or email pdpsubmissions@qldc.govt.nz.

Feedback on these additional landscape schedules in the Upper Clutha closed on Sunday 6 August 2023. We're now considering all feedback prior to notifying the landscape schedules for inclusion in the Proposed District Plan (PDP). Once notified, there will be opportunity to be part of the process through submissions or further submissions on the variation.

We’re creating additional landscape schedules that set out the values of our district’s landscapes for Rural Character Landscapes (RCLs) and one Priority Area in the Upper Clutha.

A landscape schedule sets out the values of an area; the elements of a landscape which people care about most. These values could include how the landscape looks, the quality and quantity of its vegetation and wildlife, what your experience of being in the landscape is, the impact the landscape has on your sense of wellbeing, its historic or cultural significance, what it tells us about how it was created, and the recreational benefits we get from it.

The schedules will then be included in QLDC’s District Plan and used to assess applications for resource consent for development. A landscape schedule will be created for each of the landscape areas and used when assessing applications for resource consent, ensuring that the identified values are being managed or protected.

Previous landscape schedules for Priority Areas were notified in June 2022. This focused on 29 areas comprised of a mixture of Outstanding Natural Landscapes, Outstanding Natural Features, and Rural Character Landscapes. These new landscape schedules will include the remaining Rural Character Landscapes and one additional Priority Area in the Upper Clutha.

Which areas are included in these new Landscape Schedules?

There are 12 additional Rural Character Landscape Schedules. The additional areas are:

  1. Mount Aspiring Road

  1. Studholme Road

  1. Riverbank Road

  1. Wānaka Airport

  1. Mount BarkerLuggate

  1. Luggate

  1. Queensberry

  1. Kane Road and Luggate Tarras Highway

  1. Hāwea Moraine

  1. Hāwea Terrace

  1. Crosshill

  1. Quartz Creek and Maungawera

This includes one additional Priority Area too:

  1. Clutha Mata-Au Priority Area


>> Map of Rural Character Landscape Schedules

Drop-in session:

We’re hosting a drop-in session in Wānaka discuss landscape schedules and the RCLs with all interested.

Date: Tuesday 4 July
Time: 4.00pm - 7.00pm
Location: Armstrong Room, Lake Wānaka Centre

All are welcome, pop by any time!

Share your feedback:

Feedback on these additional landscape schedules in the Upper Clutha closed on Sunday 6 August 2023.

Next steps:

We'll consider all feedback we receive prior to notifying the landscape schedules for inclusion in the Proposed District Plan (PDP). Once notified there will be opportunity to be part of the process through submissions or further submissions on the variation.

If you have any questions about landscape schedules, please contact one of our Duty Planners during office hours by phone 03 441 0499 (Queenstown) or 03 443 0024 (Wānaka), or email pdpsubmissions@qldc.govt.nz.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 07 Aug 2023, 02:42 PM