Future Libraries Strategy
Consultation has concluded.

Queenstown Lakes Libraries, owned and managed by QLDC on behalf of the community, consists of eight branches across a geographic spread of 8,719 square kilometres. Queenstown Library was opened in 1876 and the newest branch, Frankton Library at Remarkables Park, opened in December 2018.
In addition, we maintain a partnership with Central Otago Libraries and the Southlib Consortia of southern libraries.
Innovative and Inclusive
Unprecedented growth across the whole Queenstown Lakes District means we need increasingly innovative ways to connect with a diverse population of residents and tourists.
All our libraries face increasing demands and expectations for space, technology and diverse resources. Demand for community spaces from different groups also creates a challenge to provide an inclusive library service which underpins community resilience and wellbeing.
Looking Ahead 10 Years and Beyond
In this context QLDC is developing a Future Libraries Strategy to develop library services over the next 10 years and beyond to 2050 in terms of library locations, technology, staff skillsets, community needs and outreach programmes.
A key stage of this strategic development is understanding the current and future needs of library users and also those who do not currently use these services.
That's why we're asking everyone to complete a short survey so we can capture views from as many different people as possible.
In addition, we're hosting focus group sessions with key stakeholders including young people.
Please note this survey builds on earlier feedback from library users in Aug/Sep 2019; everyone is welcome to take part in the new survey even if you took the previous one!
Next Steps
Once collected and analysed, all feedback will inform the Future Libraries Strategy which will in turn be published on the QLDC website and all relevant channels.
Thank you in advance for your involvement in this process and for helping shape the future of our libraries.