Development Contributions Policy Amendments

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Queenstown Lakes District Council is inviting submissions on proposed amendments to its Development Contributions Policy.

The reason for the proposed amendment is to update the contribution amounts as a result of the capital programme within the draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034, which is also out for consultation.

As well as the tri-annual update of capital cost and contribution levels, the additional proposed amendments are intended to simplify and clarify certain areas of the policy, which was last reviewed in 2021.

What's proposed?

The proposed amendments to the Policy on Development Contributions include:

  • Updated land valuations for reserve land contributions.
  • Updated Contributing Area Maps.
  • Additional definitions in the glossary.
  • Amended the differentials for Residential Flats and Multi Unit Residential developments.
  • Changing to the grouping of contributing areas in and around Queenstown to reflect how the areas are serviced for water supply and wastewater.
  • Include a provision for QLDC to apply the highest development contribution for any development that fits into more than one land use category.
  • Added a clause referencing Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 requirements.
  • Included clarity on the annual development contribution increase permitted under the LGA 2002.

You can read full details about the proposed amendments in the Statement of Proposal and attachments, found in the 'documents' section on the right hand side of this page.

Make a submission

The easiest and preferred way to make a submission is online using the form below.

If you prefer, you can make a submission in the following ways:

  • Email: with the subject line ‘DC policy submission’
  • Post: DC Policy Submission, Queenstown Lakes District Council, freepost 191078, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348
  • Drop it in: to a Council office or library in the Queenstown Lakes District.

Formal submission hearings are scheduled for 26 and 27 August 2024. If you wish to speak at a hearing, make sure you tell us in your submission.

Submissions close on 28 July 2024.

What happens after submissions close?

All submissions will be collated and provided to Councillors to consider as part of their decision-making process. Following a public hearing and deliberations, a final Development Contributions Policy 2024 will be presented to the full Council for adoption in September 2024.

Queenstown Lakes District Council is inviting submissions on proposed amendments to its Development Contributions Policy.

The reason for the proposed amendment is to update the contribution amounts as a result of the capital programme within the draft Long Term Plan 2024-2034, which is also out for consultation.

As well as the tri-annual update of capital cost and contribution levels, the additional proposed amendments are intended to simplify and clarify certain areas of the policy, which was last reviewed in 2021.

What's proposed?

The proposed amendments to the Policy on Development Contributions include:

  • Updated land valuations for reserve land contributions.
  • Updated Contributing Area Maps.
  • Additional definitions in the glossary.
  • Amended the differentials for Residential Flats and Multi Unit Residential developments.
  • Changing to the grouping of contributing areas in and around Queenstown to reflect how the areas are serviced for water supply and wastewater.
  • Include a provision for QLDC to apply the highest development contribution for any development that fits into more than one land use category.
  • Added a clause referencing Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 requirements.
  • Included clarity on the annual development contribution increase permitted under the LGA 2002.

You can read full details about the proposed amendments in the Statement of Proposal and attachments, found in the 'documents' section on the right hand side of this page.

Make a submission

The easiest and preferred way to make a submission is online using the form below.

If you prefer, you can make a submission in the following ways:

  • Email: with the subject line ‘DC policy submission’
  • Post: DC Policy Submission, Queenstown Lakes District Council, freepost 191078, Private Bag 50072, Queenstown 9348
  • Drop it in: to a Council office or library in the Queenstown Lakes District.

Formal submission hearings are scheduled for 26 and 27 August 2024. If you wish to speak at a hearing, make sure you tell us in your submission.

Submissions close on 28 July 2024.

What happens after submissions close?

All submissions will be collated and provided to Councillors to consider as part of their decision-making process. Following a public hearing and deliberations, a final Development Contributions Policy 2024 will be presented to the full Council for adoption in September 2024.

  • Use this form to make a submission on proposed amendments to the Development Contributions Policy.  

    Submissions close on 28 July 2024.  

    Complete Form
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Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024, 07:59 AM