What are we doing on Buckingham Street?

    We’re constructing a new raised speed table made of schist and exposed aggregate at the entrance of Buckingham Street in Arrowtown, and installing new bike parking too.

    To complete this work, Buckingham Street will be need to be closed to vehicles from Monday 6 May through to the end of Monday 13 May 2024.

    Thanks to the advocacy work of the Arrowtown Promotion & Business Association (APBA) and Arrowtown Village Association (AVA), we’re working with these organisations to test how a shared space that prioritises pedestrians and cyclists works on Buckingham Street – but more importantly – to hear what locals and visitors to Arrowtown think of it!

    Why are we testing this?

    We’ve heard from both the APBA and AVA there’s a growing desire within Arrowtown for Buckingham Street to become a shared zone, similar to Rees Street in Queenstown. A shared zone prioritises pedestrians but also allows for vehicles traveling at slow speed. 

    And because we need to close Buckingham Street to vehicles so the new speed table can cure properly, this is a great opportunity to test out how the area feels without vehicles.  

    We’d like to acknowledge that while locals and visitors to Arrowtown won’t be able to experience the shared space many support (because the road will be closed to vehicles during this time), we still hope you’ll be able to get more of a feel for how Buckingham Street could be with people moving by foot, bike, wheelchair and other mobility devices given priority.

    When does the test on Buckingham Street end?

    We’ll be opening Buckingham Street back up to vehicles on Tuesday 14 May, once the new raised speed table has had enough time to cure properly.

    Why does Buckingham Street need to be closed to vehicles this long?

    We need to close Buckingham Street to vehicles from Monday 6 May through to the end of Monday 13 May to give the new raised speed table made of schist and exposed aggregate enough time to cure properly. With temperatures dropping in the district and winter fast approaching, the raised speed table needs a little longer than usual to harden!

    What are we going to use the feedback from this survey for?

    Feedback shared on our survey will help to inform future investment in the area, subject to funding approval and prioritisation through Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP).

    It's important to note there is no planned change to Buckingham Street. 

    We’ll also be sharing feedback with the APBA and AVA.

    Normally I use a mobility space or loading zone on Buckingham Street. Is there a space for me to use while the road's closed?

    Temporary loading zones and mobility parking spaces will be available on Ramshaw Lane from Monday 6 May through to the end of Monday 13 May 2024.

    What is a shared zone?

    A shared zone is a roadway that prioritises people moving by foot or wheeled mobility device but still allows for people travelling by bike or motor vehicle too. 

    If Buckingham Street became a shared zone in the future, would mobility parking spaces and loading zones be removed?

    Shared zones often include mobility parking spaces and loading zones. In the future, any potential changes to Buckingham Street will be subject to further community feedback, including the use of mobility spaces and loading zones.

    Will we consider making any other accessibility changes to Buckingham Street?

    In the future, any potential changes to Buckingham Street will be subject to further community feedback, including any accessibility improvements in the area.

    It’s important to note elements like the schist kerb and height of the drop from footpath to road would likely remain as is, as they’re important heritage features in Arrowtown.

    However, we’d welcome any suggestions around how accessibility could be improved in the area.