Annual Plan 2020-2021

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This consultation has concluded.

Submissions on the draft Annual Plan 2020-21 closed on 17 April 2020.

The Annual Plan process happens every year to detail any significant variations from the budget for the 2020-2021 period in the 2018-2028 Ten Year Plan.

In addition to budgets, the Annual Plan sets out our 2020/2021 work plan and key priorities for QLDC to deliver on behalf of the community, and what this means for levels of service and the rates you pay.

All residents and ratepayers are invited to share their views on the draft plan.

Please take a look at the consultation document and let us know your thoughts. You'll find it in the 'document library' section on the top right of this page.

Update in relation to COVID-19

As this consultation is a statutory requirement, we're continuing to gather submissions from our community until the scheduled end date of 17 April 2020 (unless the Government informs us otherwise in the coming days or weeks).

In relation to our rural communities, we intended to have printed copies of the consultation document hand delivered to various locations but unfortunately the documents did not arrive in time to be distributed ahead of the lock-down.

Hard copy submissions also cannot be accepted at our QLDC office locations as they are closed to the public. There are a number of other options available for anyone wishing to make a submission - please see below.

At present, we still intend to hold the public hearings scheduled in May 2020 but will be guided by Government advice closer to the hearing dates. Should these dates change we will let you know and publicly notify new dates.

Late submissions

Submissions to the Annual Plan 2020-21 have now closed. If you wish to make a late submission please email it to Please note that any late submissions will be marked as such and will be considered by Councillors at their discretion.

Submissions on the draft Annual Plan 2020-21 closed on 17 April 2020.

The Annual Plan process happens every year to detail any significant variations from the budget for the 2020-2021 period in the 2018-2028 Ten Year Plan.

In addition to budgets, the Annual Plan sets out our 2020/2021 work plan and key priorities for QLDC to deliver on behalf of the community, and what this means for levels of service and the rates you pay.

All residents and ratepayers are invited to share their views on the draft plan.

Please take a look at the consultation document and let us know your thoughts. You'll find it in the 'document library' section on the top right of this page.

Update in relation to COVID-19

As this consultation is a statutory requirement, we're continuing to gather submissions from our community until the scheduled end date of 17 April 2020 (unless the Government informs us otherwise in the coming days or weeks).

In relation to our rural communities, we intended to have printed copies of the consultation document hand delivered to various locations but unfortunately the documents did not arrive in time to be distributed ahead of the lock-down.

Hard copy submissions also cannot be accepted at our QLDC office locations as they are closed to the public. There are a number of other options available for anyone wishing to make a submission - please see below.

At present, we still intend to hold the public hearings scheduled in May 2020 but will be guided by Government advice closer to the hearing dates. Should these dates change we will let you know and publicly notify new dates.

Late submissions

Submissions to the Annual Plan 2020-21 have now closed. If you wish to make a late submission please email it to Please note that any late submissions will be marked as such and will be considered by Councillors at their discretion.