Annual Plan 2019-20

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Consultation has concluded

The submission period for our draft Annual Plan 2019-2020 has now closed. It ran from Monday 11 March through to Friday 12 April.

Queenstown Lakes District Council has started consultation on a draft Annual Plan 2019-20. This details any significant variations from the budget for the 2019-20 period in the Ten Year Plan.

We'll be providing all residents and ratepayers with an update on any proposed changes to major projects, strategic decisions or essential spending on infrastructure and services.

If you would like to speak at a hearing regarding this, please acknowledge this desire in the submission process. Hearings are taking place in Wanaka on Monday 20 May at the Lake Wanaka Centre, and in Queenstown on Tuesday 21 May in Council Chambers on Gorge Road.

The submission period for our draft Annual Plan 2019-2020 has now closed. It ran from Monday 11 March through to Friday 12 April.

Queenstown Lakes District Council has started consultation on a draft Annual Plan 2019-20. This details any significant variations from the budget for the 2019-20 period in the Ten Year Plan.

We'll be providing all residents and ratepayers with an update on any proposed changes to major projects, strategic decisions or essential spending on infrastructure and services.

If you would like to speak at a hearing regarding this, please acknowledge this desire in the submission process. Hearings are taking place in Wanaka on Monday 20 May at the Lake Wanaka Centre, and in Queenstown on Tuesday 21 May in Council Chambers on Gorge Road.